Chapter 1 Date

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Charlotte ran into the forest to the heart tree. A few minutes prior she had gotten a call from Carlos, her boyfriend, to come as quickly as she could as it was urgent.

"Carlos!" Charlotte screamed scared for her boyfriend. "Carlos!"

Suddenly someone jumped down from behind her. It was Carlos.

"Ahh! Carlos!" She shouted.

"Hah Sorry Charlotte the moment was too perfect." Carlos told her.

"Really Carlos you almost gave me a heart attack." She over exaggerated. Carlos just started laughing again.

"It's not funny" she said "Anyways what's the emergency that I had to cancel a very important meeting for?"

Carlos sighed and admitted "There was no emergency"

"Carlos" Charlotte scolded "I had a meeting with Ben that I needed to attend."

Carlos hugged her " Don't worry I already told him I'd be kidnapping you for the hour."

"Oh and why is that exactly?" Charlotte asked.

"Well I thought we could have a picnic date." He suggested as he grabbed her hand and dragged her through the forest to the beach.

"Wow!" Charlotte said looking around "Wow! Carlos you did this?"

"Yeah. Well Evie and Jane helped me set it up." He told her.

The two sat down and began to eat some of the food. "Cheesecake?" she asked.
"Yeah, Jane said it is your favourite"

Charlotte just looked at him in awe. When they had finished eating Carlos put some ballroom music "Shall we?" He asked standing up and offering her his hand.

"Carlos I thought you said you couldn't Ballroom dance." Charlotte remembered standing up.

Carlos shrugged "I may have had Ben give me some Ballroom dancing lesson."

Charlotte laughed. "I have the best boyfriend in the world."

Carlos smiled "And I have the best girlfriend in the world."

The pair got up and began to dance around together.

Suddenly Charlottes phone went off. Charlotte looked at it. "It's from Ben? Wait what time is it?"

Carlos looked at his watch "It's 1 in the afternoon".
"Oh no!" Charlotte jumped up.

"What?! What's wrong?" Carlos asked confused.
"You have to be at the isle in half an hour for the kids." She reminded him.

"Oh no! How did I forget. I'm so sorry" Carlos said as he started to run backwards.
"Carlos!.." a tree trunk tripped him "Tree trunk"

Charlotte ran to him and helped him up and the pair ran hand in hand back to the school.

Charlotte Charming x CarlosWhere stories live. Discover now