Chapter 3 Helping

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Charlotte was monitoring the halls not sure what to do with her free hour until she saw Jane holding a piece of paperwork.

"Hey Jane what's up?" Charlotte asked.

"Well I need to bring these papers to my mom but the villain kids are in there." Jane told her anxiously.

"It's okay Jane, tell you what I'll come with you." Charlotte said as she opened the door and led Jane in.

Fairy Godmother smiled "Oh. Hello, dear ones."

"Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." Jane said quickly as she handed her mother the paperwork.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?" Fairy Godmother said.

Jane whispered "Mom, no!"

Fairy Godmother waved her off "It's okay. Jane, this is everyone."

Jane sighed and said "Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were." Then she ran out of the room.

"Charlotte dear are you free for a bit I need you to cover this lesson so I can finish the paperwork."

"Of course Fairy Godmother I'm free for the next hour and I needed something to do."

Fairy Godmother cleared her throat and addressed the 4 villain kids "Ahem. You shall continue your lesson but Miss Charming will help you."

"Thank you dear" Fairy Godmother said a final time as she left the classroom.

"Hi guys." She said to them and continued the questions from Fairy Godmothers lesson plan "You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Carlos and Jay began fighting putting their hands up at the same time "Oh! Ooh... get off." Carlos complained.

"Jay." Charlotte said.

Jay smirked "C. You turn it over to the proper authorities."

Carlos blushed when he saw Charlotte looking at him."I was gonna say that."

Jay laughed "But I said it first. Come here!"

Carlos yelled "Ow!" as Jay continued to ruffle his hair.

Jay just continued "Come on, who said it first? Who said it first?"

Carlos blushed again knowing Charlotte would think he was weak if he couldn't get out of the hold "Ow! Stop! Ah!"

"Boys. Boys!" She yelled making them stop "I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."

Carlos shook his head "Oh, no. That's okay. Whatever that is, We'll... We'll pass."

After class Charlotte took Jay and Carlos to the Tourney team tryouts.

Cocah Jenkins instructed "Jay, Ben, offense. Chad, you're defense. Taylor, you're the shooter."

Taylor replied "Right, coach!"

Coach Jenkins noticed Carlos just walking about the pitch extremely confused "Hey. Hey! Hey, you. Lost boy! Put your helmet on. Get out of the kill zone! Come on."

Carlos looked blankly at Charlotte "Kill zone? Wha..."

Coah Jenkins yelled "Pick it up. Put it on! Two hands."

Jay and Carlos began to tussle on the floor and Jay ran and took out some of the other players.

Charlotte could hear people around her muttering "What just happened?" And "Who is this guy?"

Coach Jenkins pointed at Jay sternly "You! Get over here! What do you call that? I call that raw talent. Come find me later. I'll show you something you haven't seen before. It's called a rule book. Welcome to the team, son." He looked at Carlos "You ever thought about band?"

Ben and Charlotte intervened "We'll work with him, coach."

Coach Jenkins sighed "All right. Let's run that again."

"Whoo!" The crowd of students cheered.

Jay laughed and hit Chad in the shoulder "I'm rotten to the core." he said.

Chad Charming runner Shia arm muttering "Ow."

"You're fine Chad" Charlotte told him.

Charlotte Charming x CarlosWhere stories live. Discover now