Chapter 5 Birthday Party

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Charlotte and Jane stood at the Enchanted lake. Nearly everyone had arrived now.

And by nearly everyone I mean everyone except Mal, Evie, Ben, Jay and Carlos.

Chad walked over "Looks like Carlos forgot your birthday, huh? Some boyfriend he is"

"Well, maybe not, maybe he just took the wrong trail or something. Or, you know what? They probably don't celebrate birthdays on the Isle, maybe it's like a cultural thing.

"Oh. Yeah." Chad said "Or maybe he just forgot. You never know."

Jane intervened "Hey, Chad, look! There's people taking selfies." Jane pointed to a random crowd.

Chad bolted up and fixed his hair "Selfies! Guys! Wait, wait, wait, wait!Wait for me! Wait for me!"

Suddenly Audrey walked out of the woods looking weirder then ever. "Why is she here?" Jane asked.

"Anybody save me any guacamole?" Audrey asked, no one answered her "No?"

"Audrey why do you have the Crown and Sceptre?" Charlotte asked carefully.

"Because I wanted them." Audrey paused and looked around "Looks like someone forgot to invite me. Well, don't be expecting Mal, she's, uh...not feeling herself."

Audrey walked around looking at all the guests "Does that make you sad? Aw, does it just ruin everything? Mindless little drones!How could you forget what she did to us? How could you forget that I was supposed to be your queen?!"

Chad ran over to Audrey "Time out! Okay, time out. First off, great new look. I absolutely love the feathers."

Audrey raised an eyebrow at him as he continued "But before you do whatever you're gonna do, I was wondering if maybe you wanted a, uh, royal boyfriend by your side. Huh?"

Audrey said nothing "Partner in crime? Sidekick?" He asked.

He shrugged and added desperately "Or maybe just a lackey to, uh, do your bidding. Change tires? Smoothie runs? Huh? Please."

"Really Chad have some self-respect" Charlotte told him.

"You can be useful. Yeah?" Audrey agreed "Fine, stand behind me." Chad quickly ran behind her hiding from sight "Okay. If Auradon likes to forget so much, they'll love this."

Audrey walked around blasting people with the sceptre making them all fall asleep as she sung "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Charlotte. Happy birthday to you"

"Audrey?" Jane asked as she was put to sleep.

Charlotte quickly dive into the water to avoid all the sleeping mist Audrey was using.

"Sweet dreams." Audrey cackled as she spirited herself and Chad away.

When Charlotte sa W that the mist had cleared she got out of the lake and grabbed her phone and called Ben.

"Hey, Charlotte, Happy Birthday. I'm on my way to the party, the meetings ran long." Ben explained.

"No, no, stay where you are, Ben." Charlotte told him quickly "Audrey stole the scepter, and everyone's asleep. I'm gonna call Fairy Godmother and tell her to get her wand."

"Is Mal with you?" Ben asked desperately. "Charlotte!" He yelled "Charlotte?"

Charlotte filled a water gun with some Enchanted Lake water and started to run to Bens castle.

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