Chapter 5 Dog

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Evie was sat next to Doug and Charlotte in Chemistry Class "Any chance he's in line for a throne? Anywhere in line?"

Charlotte looked over and saw she was looking at Chad this made her laugh "Really Evie my brother"

Doug scoffed "Prince Charming, Jr. Cinderella's son. Chad inherited the charm, but not a lot of there there, know what I mean?"

Evie sighed and gazed at him "Looks like there there to me."

Mr. Deley the Chemistry teacher turned to Evie and said "Evie. Perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?"

Evie jumped up "Atomic weight? Uh, well, not very much. I mean, It's an atom, right?"

She made her way to the board "Let's see. How do I find the average atomic weight of silver? That would be 106.905 times .5200, plus 108.905 times .4800, which, Mr. Deley, would give us 107.9 am..."

Doug turned to Charlotte ""Amu"?" He asked. Charlotte just shrugged.

Mr. Deley sighed "I forget. Always a mistake to underestimate..."

"A villain?" Evie asked. She smiled "Don't make it again."

At the Tourney field Ben and Carlos were just about to start when Charlotte ran over. "I'm sorry I'm late I had t o drop off my bag at the dorm."

Ben sighed in relief "Thank God your here. I just got a text from my dad he need to go over some things with me. Would you mind training with Carlos for a bit just until I get back."

"Uh yeah sure" Charlotte said a little quicker than she would have liked.

"Thanks Charlotte I promise I'll make it up to you!" Ben yelled as he sprinted away.

Charlotte turned to Carlos "Sorry about that. Okay. Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints. You ready?"

Charlotte started the timer and she spotted Duke running over.
"Hey dude!" She yelled making Carlos look behind him curiously.

Carlos screamed when he saw the brown scruffy dog bounding over "Oh! Ah! No, wait!"

Charlotte stopped at the tree which Carlos had begun to climb. "Sweet!" She said looking at the timer.

Carlos climbed a bit more "No! Ah!"

"Carlos? Carlos!" Charlotte yelled.

Carlos kept screaming "No, stop!"

"Carlos!" Charlotte repeated.

Carlos saw her "Charlotte? Charlotte?"

"Whoa-Whoa-Whoa!" Charlotte said trying to calm him down.

Carlos clambered higher up the tree "Charlotte, help me! This thing is a killer! He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat. This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!"

Charlotte bent down and picked Duke up "Hey, who told you that?".

Carlos explained "My mother. She's a dog expert. A dog yellerer." That's when Carlos noticed she had picked the dog up "Why are you holding him? He's gonna attack you!"

"Carlos, you've never actually met a dog, have you?" Charlotte said.

Carlos shook his head quickly "Of course not."

Charlotte cuddled the dog "Dude, meet Carlos. Carlos, this is dude. He's the campus mutt."

Carlos slowly scaled down the tree "He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal."

Charlotte and Carlos sat down underneath the tree "Jeez. You're a good boy, aren't you? You're a good boy." Carlos said as the dog climbed onto his lap.

Charlotte gave him a pitying look "I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island."

Carlos sighed "Yeah. Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs."

Charlotte rustled Carlos's hair "Good boy. I mean, you're a good runner. You're... you're fast, you know."

The two looked at each other and laughed. Carlos though her laugh sounded amazing. He didn't often hear people laugh. It was normally people cackling.

Carlos smiled and blushed "Oh. Yeah. Thank you."

Charlotte stood up "Yeah. Listen, I'm gonna give you guys some space, yeah? You guys get to know each other and just, you know, come find me when you're done, okay? My dorm room has my name on it, so you should be able to find it easily."

Carlos blushed "Okay."

"I'll see you later." Charlotte said.

Carlos smiled and waved "See you out there."

Charlotte Charming x CarlosWhere stories live. Discover now