Chapter 10 The End

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"Lady Mal and I wanna thank you for celebrating our engagement with us today. I couldn't be prouder or happier to call you my queen. So... raise your glasses. To our future queen of Auradon.

"To our queen of Auradon." The crowd cheered.

"Speech, Your Specialness."

"Speech, Oh, Fancy One."

"I can't. I can't be queen of Auradon." Mal said.

"Mal?" Charlotte asked.

"I can't turn my back on the Isle. We made a decision to close the barrier forever. And it was my idea. But it's wrong. I've learned that you can't live in fear. Because it doesn't actually protect you from anything. You never know where the bad is gonna come from. And you never know where the heroes are gonna come from either. Without Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone. And without Hades... my father-- Audrey would be gone. We are all capable of good and bad, no matter which side of the barrier we come from. And that's why I can't be queen of just Auradon. I have to be queen of the Isle, too, and it's time that we take the barrier down forever.

"We can't do that." Beast said.

"Actually they can. Ben is king now and Mal is the lady" Charlotte explained supporting Mal's announcement.

"I choose to be a king who moves forward. It's time for forgiveness. It's time for new beginnings. The barrier will come down." Mal announced.

"Yes!" The crowd cheered.

Fairy Godmother handed Mal the wand "Bring it down, Mal."

Mal's eyes turned green "To make the world a better place...we have to do it face to face."

The spell blasted out of the wand and shot over to the Barrier around the isle.

"Come on!" Carlos said grabbing Charlottes hand pulling her along.

"Carlos." Charlotte shouted.

Carlos spun round and looked at his girlfriend "Yeah"

"I'm actually really nervous to meet your mom." Charlotte admitted.

Dude ran up beside them "You're nervous?! His mom is Cruella de Vil! I'm petrified!" he said making them all laugh.

"Wait 'til she hears I wanna be a vet." Carlos told her.

"What do you say you and me go exploring? I'll do a gap year." Jay suggested.

"Jungles or icebergs?" Gil asked.

"Both?" Jay asked.

"Yeah. Chest bump!" The two said chest bumping.

"Hey! Wooh! Go, girl." Evie and Charlotte cheered.

"You know what? Mal came through." Uma said to Evie and Charlotte.

"She always does." Evie said.

Harry walked over and asked "So she's definitely taken?"

"Definitely." Charlotte told him.

"So is Charlotte, remember." Carlos aid leading Charlotte away to dance.

"Ah! What's my name?" Uma said hitting his arm.

"Uma." Harry said offering his hand.

"No." Uma told him walking away.

Suddenly Audrey spun into Hook "Hi." she said surprised.

"Hi." He said offering her his hand which she gladly took.

"Whoa!" Ben yelled when Jades appeared behind Mal and him.

"Am I invited to the wedding?" Hades asked.

"Hi, Dad." Mal said smiling.

Hades glared at Ben who began to stutter "Uh... uh..."

Hades laughed and smiled "I'm sure you two will be very happy together."

"Welcome to Auradon." Mal said as more people passed to Auradon.

"Do you ever miss 'em?" Mal questioned.

"Yeah." Evie said confidently.

"Do you think that they miss us?" Mal asked looking over to the isle.

"Yeah. Of course." Evie assured her

"Cause we're rotten." Jay started.

Carlos finished "To the core."

Charlotte smiled at all her friends before she yelled "Hey, last one over the a rotten apple!" Charlotte said getting a head start.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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