Chapter 7 Cotillion

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At 6 o'clock Carlos knocked on Charlottes door and she walked out in a beautiful puffy blue dress. "Wow Charlotte you look beautiful." then he began to blush "It's not that you don't always look beautiful its just..."

"Its okay Carlos" Charlotte assured him as the two made their way down to the Cotillion boat.

When everyone was ready the boat set off and the music began to play. Fairy Godmother ran over to Charlotte "Charlotte! There you are, my dear. Well, everything looks beautiful, my love. But we just need to ladle out the punch before the sherbet melts."

"Fairy Godmother, I have a date."

"A date? Really?" she asked in wonder "That's amazing dear. Also you're mother said she wants you to tell her everything about Cotillion later."

"Of course Fairy Godmother" Charlotte told her.

"Do you have a date, too?" Fairy Godmother asked Carlos.

"Yeah." Carlos said smiling at Charlotte.

"Really?" Fairy Godmother said smiling.

"Yeah. Fairy Godmother" Charlotte said as she walked forward and held hands with Carlos.

"Bippity boppity. Oh!" she gasped, making her and Carlos laugh.

The main event was about to start so Carlos bowed "After you." he said as he escorted her to the end of the staircase.

Lumiere announced "The future Lady Mal!"

"You work it, girl." Evie yelled.

"Whoo!" Carlos cheered.

"Yeah, Mal!" Charlotte shouted.

"Hi." Mal greeted Belle and Beast.

"Hi." Belle said embracing Mal.

"Hey, Ben is on his way."

"Okay." Mal said nodding her head.

"And you look beautiful." Belle added hoping to reassure the girl.

"Oh, thank you." Mal said gazing down at her dress.

"I know we were shocked at first, but you-- you are exactly what Ben needs." Belle promised Mal.

"And lucky for me, she doesn't go by first impressions." Beast joked.

Of course." Mal said with a smile as she descended the steps down to Charlotte and all her friends.

"Hi." Mal said to Charlotte.

"Hi." she said back "How are you?"

"Uh, sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up." Mal admitted.

"Yeah? Okay. That's okay." Carlos assured her.

"Look, we're right here with you, okay?" Evie reminded.

"Listen Mal I have been planning this for months. Everything is going to be perfect. I promise you" Charlotte told her.

Mal nodded trusting Charlotte. She knows Charlotte has been really stressed out by all the stuff she does not only as a student but as advisor to the king and head of the planning committee. "Okay."

"King Benjamin!" Lumiere announced.

"Whoo!" Everyone cheered.

"Go get him." Evie said smiling at her best friend. Mal nodded and turned to look up the steps.

Ben looked down guiltily "Mal, I wish I had time to explain."

Charlotte looked confused until Uma walked forward.

"I'm sorry. It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection." Ben explained.

"What are you saying?" Mal asked confused.

"I'm saying--" he began.

"It was love." Uma told everyone happily.

"It was." Ben agreed.

Uma carried on speaking "I just-- I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?"

Ben smiled "We are."

" I know." Uma giggled.

"You're so beautiful." he complimented.

Charlotte stormed forward enraged "Ben. Ben. Did you go back for her?"

"He didn't have to." Uma snapped at her "I dove through the barrier before it closed, and I'm an excellent swimmer."

"You are." Ben said with an unrealistic smile.

"Aw, thank you." Uma said blushing, then she walked towards Mal "Listen, Mal. I just really want to thank you, I do, for everything. Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Don't you see, Mal?" Ben explained "You were right. You knew that we weren't meant to be together. That's why you never told me that you loved me. Thank you."

"Come on." Jay said.

"Not too thrilled I risked my life for him." Carlos growled.

"Carlos somethings wrong with him. He never acts like this"

"We're with you, Mal." Evie said standing by her side "Let's get out of here."

"Okay." Mal agreed.

They all ran up the steps except Charlotte "Mal. Honey, we're so sorry. We had no idea." Belle promised.

"I'm gonna talk to him." Beast said walking down the steps with Belle on his arm.

"Mal wait! Lumiere, unveil the gift. They need to see it!" Charlotte yelled.

"And now for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece, designed especially for his lady." The curtain dropped and Mal saw the beautiful stained glass window.

"Ben did that?" Mal asked in shock and awe.

"Yeah, he did. He spent months picking the design and all the right colours" Charlotte explained.

"Oh! Evie. Ben's known who I was all along." Mal said smiling with tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh! He loves the real you, M." Evie said smiling.

"A true love." Charlotte told her.

"Yeah." Mal said still smiling at the masterpiece.

"Told you." Charlotte said.

Charlotte Charming x Carlosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن