Chapter 4 Getting Ben Back

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Charlotte feels bad for having to rush around earlier and not be able to fully listen to the conversation.

So she decided to go off and find him and make sure everything was okay.

She knocked on his door "Hey Carlos, Jay?".

There was no answer. She knocked again but still nothing. So she went and checked Mal and Evie's dorm.

"Hey guys is anyone in there?" No reply.

Charlotte was worried now and she began pacing up and down the halls. She goes outside to take a breath and that's when she ran into Lonnie

"Lonnie what are you doing up?" Charlotte asked.

"No time to explain I need your help to break into the fencing cupboard."

Charlotte let Lonnie pull her along but she still asked "Lonnie why are we running again?"

"You have special access to the swords so you can help me get them." Lonnie explained.

"Yeah but why do you need swords?" Charlotte clarified.

"Well I over heard Carlos and Hag say that Ben had been captured on the Isle"

"What?!" Charlotte yelled.

"Yeah I know. There gonna try and get him back and I want to help" Lonnie said.

"Okay" Charlotte agreed. The pair gathered enough swords for everyone and ran to the limo parked at the front of the school.

"We're coming with you guys." Lonnie said when the boys were about to jump into the limo.

"What?" Jay asked.

"We don't need swords at the... Waffle Hut." Carlos lied.

"You're going to the Isle to rescue Ben. Lonnie told me" Charlotte explained.
The boys looked between each other unsurely.

"Look, it's either you take me or I'm gonna have to tell Fairy Godmother because if Ben gets hurt everyone is gonna blame me." Charlotte said.

Jay sighed "Okay!"

"Really?" Lonnie asked excitedly. The four jumped into the car and began to drive.

"Wait Charlotte do you even know how to use a sword?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah. Kind of" Charlotte said.

When they got t othe isle they met with Mal and Evie "I'll get the swords." Lonnie volunteered.

"Okay." Jay agreed.

"Oh, Lonnie!" Evie said confused.

"Hey Evie. Hey Mal!" Charlotte called.

"Charlotte?" Evie asked.

"We made them bring us" Charlotte explained to the girls.

"Oh, I'm so glad." Evie said.

"Hi. Welcome to the Isle." Mal introduced gesturing around.

"It's good to see you." Charlotte said pulling Mal into a hug.

"Thanks." Mal said hugging her back.

Suddenly Dude jumped out the back of the car. Charlotte bent down and stroked Dude.

"And Dude. I told you to stay." Carlos scolded.

"I flunked obedience class." Dude said.

"Great. And he can still talk." Carlos said sarcastically.

"How is he able to talk?" Charlotte asked confused.

"Um- long story" Carlos said. "You're lucky I love you. Come on."

"Here, let me see." Mal said and Jay handed her the fake wand "Wow, what a beauty."

"It's noon." Evie told them.

"All right." Mal said "Are we ready?"

"Yeah." The group cheered.

"Let's do this." Charlotte said.

"Stay!" Carlos told Dude "I mean it."

"Hey, guys! They're here!" A lookout pirates yelled down to the ship.

"Welcome!" A boy with a fake hook said smirking.

"Finally!" A girl with braids said. Charlotte assumed she was the captain.

"Who's this ravaging beauty?" Harry Hook asked pointing at Charlotte.

Uma hit his shoulder "Focus." Mal was going to hand her the wand "Hold up. Mm. Too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We want to see it work." Uma said.

"You always were quite the drama queen." Mal retorted.

"Oh, and nothing too big," she added "or else Ben is fish bait."

"We're dead." Carlos whispered.

"Okay." Ma agreed, she looked at Dude and recited "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word!"

Dude stayed silent. "Talk, dog." Mal demanded.

And he did "Does this vest make me look fat?" Charlotte let out an absurd laugh "Hey, does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?"

Uma laughed "Give me the wand!" She demanded.

"Give us Ben!" Charlotte yelled back.

Uma scoffed "Harry, bring him over."

A pirate with blonde hair ran over to Ben as Harry dragged him over "Ooh, um, before you go,tell your mom that Gaston says hi and also tell your dad that my dad wishes he'd finished off your dad when he had the chance."

"Oh. Cut him loose, Harry." Uma told him.

"I never get to have any fun." Harry complained.

"Yes!" Uma yelled as Mal handed over the wand.

"Ben, go!" Mal whispered leading him away.

"Yeah!" The pirates shouted.

"Go! Move!" Jay said hurrying everyone along.

"Okay, okay." Evie said rushing.

"By the power of the sea," Uma said "tear it down and set us free!" When nothing happened Uma screamed "No!"

"Ben!" Charlotte yelled.

"You do not get to win every time!" Uma said to Mal.

"Trust me." Charlotte said

"Get 'em!" Uma shouted gesturing to the group.

"You okay?" Carlos asked his heart still racing from the fight.

"Yeah, I'm good." Charlotte told him trying to catch her breath.

"Nice work out there, Lonnie." Jay complimented.

"Come on, Dude, hop in." Carlos said Dude did as he was told "Oh, now you listen to me."

"Let's go." Charlotte told them.

"Come on, Evie, get in." Charlotte said "Let's go."

"Mal!" Evie cried.

"No! Move! Get out of my way!" Mal said.

"Come on, come on, come on." Jay ushered. "Swords."

Lonnie hurried up and put the swords in the back of the limo and hopped in.

"I'm really sorry that things didn't go the way you wanted them to." Ben told her disappointedly.

"I mean, as long as you're safe, that's..."Mal said

"Well, I mean, at least I got to see the Isle. They're my people, too. Uma helped me see that." Ben explained.

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