Chapter 9 Audrey

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Charlotte suddenly unfroze and noticed the others had too. She looked around and spotted Mal on the roof. She yelled down "The spell has been broken. It's okay."

"Come on. Let's go." Charlotte said as she grabbed her boyfriend's hand.

"Wait so we got turned to stone. Wait are you good?" Carlos asked Charlotte.

"Yeah. I'm fine" Charlotte assured him.

In Audrey's room everyone crowded round as the doctor assessed her.

"She's slipping away." The doctor told them.

"There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this, and that's Hades." Mal said.

"Hades? He wouldn't do it." Charlotte told her.

"And I wouldn't risk it." Beast said.

Mal sighed nervously "Actually, he might do it for me." she took a deep breath and Evie nodded "He's my father."

Bens eyes widened "Okay." he stuttered "Well, I'll have to send guards to get him."

Uma asked "Maybe I can hitch a ride. The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it."

"Well, then, you'll need your first mate." Harry said putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"The Isle will be in very good hands.

"Can I go, too?" Celia asked turning to a Charlotte "I wish I could be in both places." Charlotte nodded.

"I really think that Evie was right." Uma said to Mal "And... I do think that we could've been friends."

"And I'm really sorry that I lied to all of you guys." Mal apologised "You deserve so much better than that."

"You're just trying to do the right thing." Uma told her.

"Yeah." Mal said looking at her.

"I get it." Uma said. Everyone said goodbye as the pirates and Celia left.

Charlotte paced around nervously waiting for Hades. Their last meeting didn't go as planned.

"Thank you for coming." Mal said to her father.

"Didn't have much choice." He told her sarcastically.

"Can you wake her?" Charlotte asked anxiously.

Hades smirked and said "Boo!" making Charlotte back away to Carlos.

"Since when do heroes care about villains? She's-- One of your own? Right. When you guys try to destroy the world, it's an error in judgment." He laughed "But when it's one of us, lock 'em up, throw away the key. Right, Beast?"

He shook his hand cuffs "Yeah, I'm gonna need to use my hands." Slowly the guards removed his chains and Mal handed him the ember.

The entire room stiffened waiting to see what he would do. He gestured everyone to move back and they did.

Hades hair lit alight as he waved the Ember over Audrey's bed, he mumbled and the room flowed in a blue mist.

Audrey suddenly sat up "Haven't lost my touch." Hades said to the room smirking.


"Oh, Audrey. You're okay." Her grandmother said hugging her.

"Tell me it was all a bad dream." Audrey begged.

"I wish I could. But it's over now." Ben told her.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to hurt you both. I wanted to hurt all of you. I have owed you an apology for a very long time now." Audrey admitted.

"And so have I." Mal told her.

"And perhaps... I... have owed you one, too." Ben said.

Audrey saw Charlotte "Oh Charlotte I'm so sorry. I've ruined your birthday."

Charlotte sat by her and hugged her "Audrey the important thing is you're safe." then she touched the necklace Carlos had given her "And I've actually had an amazing day."

Hades was put back in chains and escorted out of the room. Mal ran int other hallway after him Dad! I'm gonna have to miss you all over again." Mal said hugging him.

"Thanks for a glimpse of the sun." Hades aid gesturing at the window with his head.

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