Chapter 9 Opportunity

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"Ugh, give it to me!" Uma said lunging at Fairy Godmother and her wand.

"No!" Charlotte yelled "Guards, seize her!"

Uma backed up to the side of the deck "No, no! Stop, please! Stop!" Ben pleaded.

"Uma, I know you." Mal reminded her "You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me, because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want."

Uma glanced over the side and she jumped "No, no! Uma!" Mal yelled.

"Uma!" Ben cried in concern.

Everyone ran and looked over the side. The water where she had landed had started to bubble. Suddenly she broke through the surface of the water ,only she had tentacles and was a bout 50 times larger than before.

"Ah!" Uma sighed happily before cackling "True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name!"

"Aaah! Aah!" Mal groaned.

"Mal?" Ben asked

"Aah!" Mal groaned in pain as a purple mist diffused out of her fingers.

The purple mist had completely taken Mal out of sight, Out of the mist came a large purple dragon with emerald green eyes.

"Come on, Mal! Let's finish this once and for all!" Uma challenged.

"Watch out!" Carlos yelled as Uma swung a tentacle at the boat, Carlos just managed to pull Charlotte out of the way in time.

"Wait, Ben! No!" Charlotte yelled as he chucked his blazer and crown aside jumping into the water.

"Ben!" Everyone screamed in concern.

"Mal, Uma! Stop! Back down!" Ben said getting in between the both of them.

"What are you gonna do, Ben?" Uma mocked "Splash me?"

"That's enough!" he told them It's got to stop! This isn't the answer! The fighting has got to stop! Nobody wins this way! We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy, but let's be brave enough to try. Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle. Help me make a difference." Ben begged her.

Uma looked at him sadly and gave him the Cotillion ring which had meant to be for Mal. She turned away and sunk into the ocean.

Carlos and Jay grabbed a rope ladder which Ben climbed. "There you go." Charlotte said as she handed him a towel.

"Good job, man." Jay said slapping him on the back.

Just then the big Purple Dragon flew down and landed on the deck, before transforming back into Mal.

"Whoo!" the crowd cheered.

Mal patted down a flame that had sprung on her dress. "So, I did not know that I could do that."

"Tell me about it." Ben said laughing "That makes two of us."

Ben gave Mal her ring back "Thank you." she said as she happily placed the ring on her finger.

"Shall we?" Ben asked.

"We shall." Mal replied.

Beast smiled "How about that son of mine?"

"Ours." Belle reminded him.

"Ours." Beast said correcting himself to keep his wife happy "Yes."

"How about his girlfriend?" Beast asked.

Belle smiled as she studied Mal "I think we're in very good hands here. Very good hands."

"How about his advisor?" Beast asked as his final question.

"We've always loved Charlotte. We always knew she was gonna go far in life. She's a hard worker like her mother. I can't remember the last time I saw her not on the phone or doing paperwork. It's comforting to know that Ben has someone responsible to guide him"

"I owe you guys so much." Ben said

"Yeah." Jay told him.

"Really?" Ben asked.

"Yep." Evie said.

"You got that right." Charlotte said shoving him gently.

"Just a little bit." Carlos said swinging his arm around Charlottes neck.

Ben begun "If there is anything that you need, or anything I can do for you..."

"Um, actually, there is, Ben." Evie said slowly "I know a girl who would

really love to come to Auradon. It's Drizella's daughter, Dizzy. She's like a little sister to me."

"Then she should come." Ben said smiling.

"Okay!" Evie said.

"Okay, great!" Charlotte said pulling her phone out "When should I start organising the welcome party?"

Carlos took her phone out of her hand "Carlos give me my phone" she said.

"You can have it back at the end of the evening. You've been working so hard you need a break"

Charlotte glared at him "You're lucky you're cute" She said threateningly.

Evie paused "Actually, um...Ben, there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids just like us, who also deserve a second chance. Can I maybe get you a list?"

"Yes, yes! Absolutely, please."

"Great." Evie cheered excitedly.

A butler walked over to the group "M'lady Mal, we found your spell book below deck. Uma had it."

"Ooh." Mal said looking at the book and then at Evie and Charlotte who raised their eyebrows "Um...You know, this seems like the kind of thing that belongs in the hands of Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother?"

Fairy Godmother pushed her way through the crowd "That's me, thank you. Mm-hmm. This belongs in the museum. It does, yes, and I'm gonna take it."

"Go for it." Mal said handing her the book "I'm not gonna be needing it anymore."

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