Chapter 2 Engagement

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Charlotte had been helping Ben plane this moment perfectly for weeks.
Fairy Godmother led Mal onto the stage "Oh, stay."

Mal pointed to the stage asking "Stay here?"

Fairy Godmother smiled "Yes. Bippity-boppity, one-two, one-two, can everybody hear me? Yes! Ben." she handed the microphone over.

Ben smiled "Thank you, Fairy Godmother.What's up, Auradon?" He said with a smile "Thank you, thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon."

Charlotte heard Queen Leah scoff "Not like we had a choice."

Ben gestured to Carlos, Jay, Evie and Mal "It worked out pretty well for the first four."

Chad scoffed "Yeah, especially for you."

"Really funny." Audrey sighed.

"Shut up Chad!" Charlotte told Chad.

"Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention I'm in love with you?" Ben smiled an began to sing " I met this girl that rocked my world, Like it's never been rocked. And now I'm living just for her, and I won't ever stop. I never thought it can happen to a guy like me,But now look at what you've done.You got me down on my knee."

Mal looked at Ben as he got onto one knee and pulled out a box with an engagement ring.

Ben smiled so big "Mal, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my queen?"

Audrey screamed "NO!" earning a glare from Charlotte.

Mal laughed and began to cry "Yes!"

"Makes our picnic date yesterday look pretty weak" Carlos joked.

Charlotte hit him lightly "Don't say that I loved it."

"A lifetime of plans. Gone. Our family status gone. Audrey, you were supposed to be his queen, and you let him slip through your fingers." Queen Leah complained "Your mother could hold on to a prince in her sleep."

Audrey spin round "Don't you think I feel bad enough already, Granny?"

A girl in the crowd was telling her friend "Ben and Mal are the best! I'm so excited for Mal to be our queen."

Audrey spun round jealously "You'd really rather have a VK on the throne than me? What is wrong with you people? What is wrong with everybody?"

Ben ran to Carlos and Jay "I'm engaged, man!"

Mal smiled "What? Did you know?" she asked Charlotte and Evie.

Evie smiled "Everything."

Charlotte added "Obviously who do you think planned it."

"You are gonna rock that crown. Okay, so I've only done about a thousand sketches of your wedding dress, and...Charlotte's already planned an engagement party next week!" Evie told Mal really quickly.

Mal laughed "It's a really good thing I said yes. Hugs." She said offering to Evie and Charlotte. They all hugged happily.

Belle and Beast walked over "Hi!" Mal did a quick curtsy.

Belle pulled her in for a hug "I finally get a daughter."

Beast congratulated his son "Congrats, son"

Ben: smiled "Thanks, Dad."

"I love you, Belle." Mal told her.

Belle laughed "Oh, I love you."

Fairy Godmother squealed "Oh, sweetie. So happy for you both."

"Thank you so much, Fairy Godmother. I think she liked it." Ben told her.

"Bippity-boppity, you betcha." Fairy Godmother promised.

Jay joked "All bow to Her Royal Majesty!"

Carlos laughed "Oh, yes! Hey Royal Purpleness!"

"Silence, you annoying peants." Mal said playing along with her friends.

Charlotte joined in "As you wish, my liege!"

Carlos added "Your Crankiness."

Mal turned away and Audrey got right in her face "Congratulations. You won him fair and square. Oh, wait, no, you didn't. You spelled Ben to destroy all of Auradon. Touching story for the grandkids."

Ben butted in "Okay, let's do this."

Mal called out "Speaking of kids, we have some kids waiting on us, so...if you'll excuse me."

"Congratulations, Lady Mal." One guard said.

Mal thanked him "Thank you."

A second guard nodded in acknowledgment "Your Majesty."

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