Chapter 6 Will You Go To Cotillion With Me?

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Charlotte was walking around Campus on her 16th phone call of the day, "Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Say no more."

Carlos walked up to Charlotte confidently "Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte!. She glanced up quickly and waved "Hey, hey, uh..."

"Would you go to Cotillion with me?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure." Charlotte explained "We're all taking a stretch carriage over at 6:00."

She went back to talking to the phone "No, no, no. The pen toppers are in the port side cabin."

"No, I--I mean... with me." Carlos stuttered as his confidence began to shrink.

Charlotte looked up briefly "Yeah, want me to swing by your room?". "No, no, no. So, when you're on the boat facing the left... Yeah, yeah. Right. No, no, no. Not right, left." Charlotte carried on saying, clearly she was getting annoyed by the person on the other end of the phone.

"Uh...This is gonna be tricky." Carlos muttered to himself. He took Charlottes phone away from her "Charlotte? Would you be my date for Cotillion? And if you don't absolutely hate me by the end of it, um, would you consider maybe being more than friends?" Carlos said slowly.

"Maybe? Like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Charlotte asked "Where we can hold hands instead of slugging each other all the time? And we can text, and I can tell you how great you are? Because, Carlos, you're really, really great. And I'm-- I'm the luckiest girl in the world! You're so nice and cute."

"Me too!" Carlos said smiling "I am the luckiest girl--I mean guy. Luckiest guy."

"Chads not gonna be happy that you're asking me" Charlotte told him.

Carlos nodded his head "I know but I think the reward is worth the risk" he said.

Suddenly the phone began yelling "Charlotte? Can you hear me?"

Charlotte quickly took her phone back smiling apologetically "Oh, sorry. I'll see you later."

"Yeah. Totally." Carlos said grinning.

Charlotte walked away to finish the phone call "Right. So ..."

"Good boy." Dude said to Carlos.

Carlos jumped into the air ecstatically "Yeah, oh, yeah. Come on, Dude. Let's go. Yes!"

"Finally." Dude commented.

When Charlotte had finished talking to the committee she called Jane.

"Hey Charlotte what's up?" Jane asked confused.

"Can you maybe cover for me at the punch bowl tonight?" Charlotte pleaded.

"Why? Have you got a date?" Jane squealed.

"Yeah I do" Charlotte said with equal enthusiasm.

Jane started pacing over the phone "So who is he?"

Charlotte giggled and gave Jane some hints "Well you know him. He's very sweet and loves animals. He has white hair"

"Oh god you're not going with James Frost, Elsa's son are you?"

"Oh God no! I'm going with Carlos" Charlotte told her.

Jane laughed "I knew it. I could tell he gave you puppy dog eyes everywhere you went. I knew he secretly liked you." Charlotte heard her yell out "Guys Charlottes going to Cotillion with Carlos" Suddenly there was a clatter of noise and a herd of girls all asking questions"

Charlotte hung up the phone and skipped off looking forward to tonight.

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