Wow!! How did that happen, he hasn't even talked to me ever since that fateful night in Surat.

I am going to be with him for the rest of our lives??

My heartbeat increased at just the thought of it.

Myra Rajveer Kapoor...

I shook my head and filled my bathtub and got into it.

I have always liked being with him. We had gone on many such dates after that first one and I was getting very comfortable with the idea of getting married to him. As it is I was getting sick of the long-distance relationship between Manik and me. 

Raj was giving me so much attention and Manik was not even there to be with me. I didn't even feel that I was in any kind of relationship with him. So I  started giving him hints that I was not enjoying the so-called relationship.

Manik tried to convince me and started sending me flowers and gifts to make up for the physical distance between us and to remind me every day that he was there for me and was thinking of me even when he was away.

I didn't know what to do, I was getting convinced that I would be very happy with Raj. He was a very nice, decent, and romantic man. I liked the way he was taking care of me.

Ron, Viren, and Sujal have even started teasing us, but he always smiled at whatever they said.  But I was still very confused between Raj and Manik.

Then one fine day, Manik's younger brother, Mihir called me up and said that Manik was going crazy in Surat because he was dying to meet me but could not get out of there.

He asked me if I would like to give a surprise to him to cheer him up. I agreed because Manik was trying his level best to spend some time talking to me, however busy he was. 

Mihir arranged a trip to Surat with all of us. I wanted to test my feelings for Manik as I was getting attracted to Raj by now. So it was a perfect chance to evaluate my feelings and relationship with Manik and finish things between us if I find out that I was not happy being in a relationship with Manik.

But when we reached there.....

" Myra, hurry up beta, we are getting late. Everyone has reached there. You would need time to get ready. " Mom was calling from outside.

" Yes, mom!! Just five minutes more. "  I replied and brought myself back from memory lane.

I came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe.

" Awww... My baby is getting married today. I am getting emotional but I am happy that you are getting married to Raj. We know the family for years, everyone is very nice and we liked Raj ever since he became friends with Viren. He would always keep you happy. " Mom said.

" Mom, did he ask for my hand? "

" His mom and Sia called him here and asked if he wants to get married, his only concern was that he was supposed to attend the wedding today, so it is a bit awkward to get married all of a sudden at the wedding where he was invited as a guest. But Priya told him if he likes you, it doesn't really matter as she and Rahul also got married in the same way and they are so happy and it is the need of the hour, he agreed. "

" He was hesitant?? "

" It is but obvious, put yourself in his condition. Would you be ready to get married
in such a situation? You selected Manik over him and still he is ready to get married to you at the drop of a hat to save our faces. Would you have married someone like that if he had chosen someone else over you? I don't think so. You must respect him for this. "


Good morning friends 😘

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Friends I posted a new book in Kiss short story competition.

It is a short story of 15 chapters. It has less than 20k words but it is completed

The paper bride.

Here is the link of the book

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Here is the link of the book.

I will post it on my message board as well. Please do read it.

Take good care of yourself and have a nice day.

Chhavi  💕💕💕

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