Chapter 97 - Arrival of Nation's Prince

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Warning : Mention of bullying and its effects, name calling, slurs..

"What do you mean by Prince won't be attending the event??" Shin almost screamed at his assistant Mr.Lin.. Soonmin and Mei who were present there looked at them stunned..

"Thats true.. Prince Sungwoo's personal manager Officer Sejin is on line sir.. He said young prince came here minutes before and someone from our university didn't let him in.. Also even insulted the young prince.. So Prince Sungwoo is really angry.. Thats why they are cancelling the event.." Lin explained in single breath extending his phone towards Shin.. Without wasting any second Shin snatched the phone..

"Officer Sejin.. This is Vice Chairman Shin here.. I apologize for the trouble happened but I swear there must be some misunderstanding.. We haven't insulted young prince.. in fact none of us met him.." Shin tried his level best to explain but the response he got made him even horrified..

"So you are saying our young prince lied?? or its me who is lying??" Sejin asked furiously..

"No no no.. I'm not saying that neither you were lying nor young prince.. I'm saying that there might be some confusions as no one has ever seen young prince.. So our security guards might have misunderstood young prince to be someone else.. Please officer Sejin.." Shin tried to reason with Sejin..

"Security guards gave him proper welcome and send inside.. It was someone from  your university management insulted him.." Sejin said enraged..

"What?? Guards identified him?? then who did insult him??" Shin was shocked..

"How do I know?? Anyways we will inform President's office about this.. Get ready to face the legal charges for insulting our prince Mr.Shin.." Sejin warned..

"Noo.. Please don't do that officer Sejin.. I'm begging you.. I can talk to young prince.. I will explain to him but please don't cancel the event.. I'm telling you we didn't know young prince has came here.. If I knew I myself would have went to welcome him with all the gratitude.." Shin pleaded..

"Young prince doesn't want to talk to you.. He is really upset.. I don't think Prince Sungwoo too will be changing his decision.." Sejin said lazily..

"I beg you Officer Sejin.. Please talk to them.. Please convince them.. I promise once young prince comes here I will find the person who insulted our beloved prince and I will myself make the culprit apologize to our young prince publicly.. I promise with my life.." Shin begged again.. After a moment of silence Sejin responded..

"Okay then.. I will try to convince Prince Sungwoo and young prince.. Make sure there won't be another mistake else I will be first one to put you behind the bars.." Sejin said more like a warning and disconnected the call.. Once the call was done Soonmin and Mei rushed to the older's side..

"Whats wrong dad??" Soonmin asked impatiently..

"Someone from this damn university dared to insult young prince of Busan.. how dare they.." Shin screamed..

"I can't believe this.. that Sejin said even the guards identified young prince and let him in then how in the hell our team couldn't identify him?? I'm sure this must have done by our enemies.." Shin said angrily..

"Then.. no doubt it must have done by that JK.. Didn't you said that he came here in the morning.. And when you told him to leave he did even without any fights.." Soonmin said..

"But how does he know Jeon heir??? No one has ever met him.. I still wonder how the guards knew him???"

"Is that even a question... He must have already know who is Jeon heir because of his connections with that Yugeum guy.. So no wonder he could identify young prince and insult him.." Mei said with a scoff.. Shin and Soonmin shook their head with agreement..

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