Chapter 27 - New enemy

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“Wow V is looking really stunning.. I think this is the ever best photoshoot he had done so far.. And Chim was right you are really talented Kookie..” Yoongi was in all praise for the maknes after watching Jungkook’s assignment work..

“But you guys really cheated us.. Why you also didn’t tell me anything.. You literally chose your boyfriend over your little brother right??” Jungkook said with a fake sad pout.. and Yoongi chuckled at the younger’s cuteness..

“Am sorry Kookie.. but it wasn’t because of Chim.. He was also concerned about you both.. That poor kid was really worried when V’s model backed out.. It was Namjoon reminded us about your talents.. And that’s when Chim made all the planning along with your Jin hyung.. We also felt it was right.. that’s why we acted along with them.. but it really helped you both right??” Yoongi asked with his mew smile and Jungkook shook his head happily…

“I will meet him.. actually I got something for him as a thank you gift.. I don’t know whether he will like it or not..” Jungkook said nervously..

“Oh for Chim.. nothing for me..” Yoongi said with fake sad nod..

“Not for Jiminie hyung.. for your bro boss Kim Taehyung..” Jungkook said and Yoongi was amused to know that.. “Chim was right.. there is something really going between these two..” Yoongi thought to himself.. He smirked at the younger..

“Oh that’s great.. what did you got? Yoongi asked..

“Its surprise hyung..” Jungkook said with a sheepish smile.. and Yoongi showed a fake angry look.. Jungkook giggled at the latter..


Tae was really excited to know from Ms.Sushin that Jungkook is waiting for him outside his cabin.. He looked at phone camera and arranged his hair and face to make sure that he is looking perfect.. Suddenly the door opened.. It was Jungkook with his usual bunny smile..

“Hey Koo.. what a surprise..” Tae said with his usual boxy smile.. He pointed at Kookie to sit on the chair..

“Hi Tae.. Actually I came to meet Yoongi hyung.. We have almost completed the music now.. only the recording is pending..” Jungkook was bit nervous..

“That’s great.. Actually Yoongs told me about it.. and he was really happy to have you in his team.. This is the first time am seeing his getting along with a person other than his close friends or parents.. He really has a soft spot for you..” Tae said happily..

“And are you still jealous of me because of that..??” Jungkook said with a teasing smirk.. And Tae laughed at it..

“Not anymore.. now I know why all my hyungs are getting attached to you.. you have that special charm..” Tae said smilingly and Jungkook blushed..

“Actually I got something for you.. I wanted to thank you for helping me.. But I didn’t know what to bring.. So I got this..” Jungkook put a box on the table.. And Tae was surprised to see that.. He took the box happily and opened it.. Jungkook was really nervous but it vanished when he noticed the sparkle in Tae’s eyes..

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