"Oto-San believes my Quirk is capable of letting me move at the speed of light. So when I heard he was in danger, my first thought was to run to him," Miyuki said sombrely after a brief silence. She looked down at her hands – bandaged and folded in her lap as she sat on the other side of Izuku's bedside. "I wanted to protect him, but... I wasn't fast enough to reach him in time... I failed to protect him, even though he was right in front of me..."

"All Might once said, "I can't save the people I can't reach," Izuku spoke up. "That's why he will always save those he can reach. I... was in a place I could reach. I had to save him... That's what my Quirk is for. It's exactly like what Aizawa sensei said to me." Tears welled in his eyes. "My body... couldn't move... It was all I could do to save Kota-Kun... I couldn't save someone right in front of me..."

"Then, let's save him this time," Kirishima spoke up seriously, catching the attention of all of his classmates. "Actually, Todoroki and I were here yesterday, too." He went on to briefly explain how the both of them met each other in the entryway of the hospital and agreed to visit Izuku and Miyuki together. "On our way to your room, we saw All Might and a police offer talking to Yaoyorozu." Ejirou repeated what Momo explained, about how she had Yosetsu Awase attach the tracking device to a villain before they escaped, including the remote she gave to the number one pro hero and Tsukauchi.

Finally, the redhead reluctantly informed them also of their intent to have Momo create another receiver to follow the tracking device.

"It is as All Might said!" Tenya shouted suddenly, catching the half-and-half girl by surprise at his volume. "This is something we should leave to the pros! This isn't the place for us to act, you idiots!"

"We know that!" Ejirou responded just as passionately. His face was rife with signs of his own inner turmoil. "But I couldn't do anything! After I heard my friends were being targeted! I couldn't do anything! I didn't do anything! If I don't do anything now, I won't be a hero or a man anymore!"

"Ejirou-Kun..." Miyuki muttered, expression softening as she listened to his torn words.

"Kirishima! We're in a hospital," Denki calmly reminded the redhead. "Calm down. It's fine to feel strongly about things, but this time –"

"Iida-Chan is correct," Tsuyu interjected.

"Iida, all of you, I know you're correct. I know that. But..." Ejirou turned around to face the pair of best friends, his hand stretched out to them. "Hey, Midoriya, Miyuki-San – your hands can still reach! We can go save him!"


"So, in short, you're planning on getting the receiver from Yao-momo, following it, and going to save Bakugo yourselves?" Mina clarified, breaking through the silence in the room.

"Yeah," Ejirou confirmed.

"Even though the villains said we were targets to be killed, they took Bakugo without killing him," Shoto spoke up. "They probably let him live, but that doesn't mean they won't kill him eventually. Kirishima and I are going."

"Don't go overboard with your messing around!" Tenya exploded.

"Wait. Calm down. I understand Kirishima's frustration at not being able to do anything and Todoroki's frustration at having him stolen in front of his very eyes. I'm frustrated, too," Mezo reasoned. "But this isn't a situation where we should act on our emotions. Right?"

"L-Let's leave this to All Might..." Yuga stammered. "Aizawa-sensei's permission to fight at the training camp has been rescinded, too."

𝐇𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢 『Bakugo Katsuki』Where stories live. Discover now