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the prototypical bad boy out of district twelve, mack is an absolute firecracker. he's sharp as a whip, and possesses the sense of humor to prove as much. with a brutally honest manner of speaking and an incredibly dark sense of humor, often directed at his own time during the games, mack can brush people the wrong way, or they can very much enjoy his vivacious personality. he's a bold person, speaking his beliefs. he's a tough individual, able to withstand almost anything, it seems. mack is a teasing person, but one who demands to be taken seriously himself. he puts on an intimidating air much of the time. he's a dedicated cynic, and pretends to be apathetic about these perspectives, but in reality, these deeply held beliefs can often depress him. mack has charisma, in that he has the ability to manipulate others with his appearance and general boldness, which many find themselves drawn to. not that he would call it manipulation. often, he finds people drawn to him, and simply capitalizes to survive. mack despises shallowness in any form. overall, mack is strongly dedicated to being real, or accurately representing his true self— cynical, bold, and filled with dark humor, charisma, and confidence as that may be.

strengths;— endurance; mack has very strong endurance in terms of his ability to withstand uncomfortable situations

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endurance; mack has very strong endurance in terms of his ability to withstand uncomfortable situations. he can run for long periods of time, with his stamina one of his key strengths. he can fight for a long period of time. he can stay in uncomfortable positions forever, he can go without sleep, water, food, for longer than the average person.
— pain tolerance; mack has an extremely high pain tolerance. in his last games, he fought through several painful injuries at various points. he even gave himself (extremely haphazard and probably causing more problems than they fixed) stitches at one point without flinching.
— cleverness; mack is a clever person. he's creative, often finding his own strategies that others wouldn't think of. he thinks outside the box, in other words, and on his feet, too. he's a sharp person.
— physical appearance; mack has found sometimes, through the capitol's attempts to push him into modeling, that appearing more handsome makes people more willing to donate or support.
— knife skills; mack, growing up as the son of the town butcher, learned to use a knife well. he likes to get up close and personal in battles, and so a knife at close range is his best tool. he also uses it to hunt and to cut away meat to later cook and/or consume. mack is pretty skilled with a proper butcher's knife.

speed; while mack has strong endurance, he doesn't have fast, bursting speed. instead, he relies primarily on stealth and endurance, as well as his capability to fight up close. should he need to retreat, his options are limited.
— unpredictability; as mack's past trauma and general brash personality create an unpredictable, reckless nature, allies could lose trust in him. he could make rapid, incorrect decisions on the turn of a dime. even sponsors could turn on him. he's untrustworthy, in other words.
— past arm injury; his left arm is weaker than his right arm. he may not be able to put as much force into it, and as it is also more sensitive to injury, a wrong jostle to it could cause pain that could interfere with his ability to compete.
— bad sense of depth perception; perhaps earned from the head injury at the end of his games, mack has a poor sense of depth perception, which makes him a poor user of distance weapons. he cannot guess whether an object is far, average, or close too well.
— swimming; mack cannot swim. this is an issue, as if he were in a situation with water, he could not be relied on to traverse the water.

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