cash sequoyah- profile

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00. cash is in the army, and has been serving since he left high school (pretty much immediately, actually).
01. he was the first child of the sequoyahs, although he was never exactly the perfect older brother. he posed a good example to his siblings, he guessed at times, but he was bossy when they were younger, and then just wanted to be left alone in his preteen years. he got better after that, standing up for his siblings and giving them "subtle" advice on what was cool and what wasn't. although his parents were always very focused on tate (cash was the independent one! the one who they could just give the housekeys to while they were attending to tate, and he could microwave something up for himself and would be fine! kids these days, they just raise themselves!), so cash almost feels like he slipped through the cracks a little... so... not to defend himself too much, but he had to get some validation and attention from somewhere.
02. in high school, cash played a bunch of sports-- specifically basketball (he was okay), football (he was okay), and his very best (although still not like college level): wrestling. except... this was sort of a long time ago, but the wrestling coach back then was a bit off. cash never really told anyone about the sort of stuff he'd say, but these days he knows it wasn't normal. he'd pressure him too much to cut a lot of weight (he passed out several times due to it in his high school years) and would intensely verbally berate him. cash really tried to please him (because he also was probably one of the more present adult figures in his youth), but it was sort of hard to out-pace the whole rat-race of achievement, if you know what he means. the coach left a couple of years later. cash never told anyone and tries to avoid thinking about it, because that means it hasn't left any lasting damage. for sure.
03. overall, he wasn't tremendously popular, as he sort of stayed out of the fray a touch. he would show up to parties, but he never really was a part of a solid group, even if he definitely had quite a few friends who would invite him to stuff. they were all just parts of different crowds. a big reason for this was that cash was in sports practices, advanced classes, and detentions often all in the same day. he was kind of everything, everywhere all at once (lol). he never got into detention for dumb reasons though. he was too smart for that. for instance, he got detention for organizing his year's senior prank. he somehow got the principal's car on the roof. takes some brains. he also has a semi-embarrassing dating history here. he's dated a girl for literally one day before. and um, it makes coming back a little awkward when he's like... dated two sisters (not at once but still).
04. cash has a bit of a hero complex. you know, he always wants to be doing things, especially when he can be saving people, fixing people, whatever makes him feel fulfilled. also a bit of a complex where he wants to seem badass. he kind of does, and he doesn't have to try that much. reputation and all.
05. cash is a little idealized by his family now, primarily because of his service, and he's a little tired of it and of them acting like they raised him perfectly to become some sort of hero. he's probably the most isolated in the family, and the sudden welcoming when he returns home (like seriously, it is a lot) is sort of freaking him out.
06. as a kid, he had one of those childhoods boomers like to brag about. where he just did whatever he wanted, stayed out however late he wanted, ate whatever he wanted, and no one really checked up on him that much. drank from the garden hose and everything! it was not recommended. child cash was awful at raising himself. he raised himself on rated-r movies, dangerous bike stunts (hello broken arm!), and getting salmonella from not knowing how to cook meat like at all.
07. going into the military, he really enjoyed the camaraderie, the order, and of course, the purpose. cash needs purpose or else he falls apart. which is why he's here! looking for russian spies! not just on a break. or anything.
08. cash is pretty smart, but people really don't believe it, so he's just sort of stopped talking about those sort of things. he likes books especially (or really, more like plays or like... epic poems). big paradise lost fan. but he kind of keeps that close to his chest these days.
09. cash's eyesight is a little less than perfect. but he actually wears his glasses when he needs to. he also enjoys sketching and often sketches (just casually) his fellow soldiers when he has free time. they think it's a touch amusing. he has a self-portrait with a rose in his teeth. it's great. cash also likes to journal. it's very detailed and very bland ("talked to mom today. she suggested a more cost-effective detergent"). he doesn't talk too much (man of few words), but he's genuine and warm when he does.
10. he wants to get married soon. he's a catch, he's old enough, and he has a jeep wrangler.

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