"You better be because if I hear that you hurt her, not even Penny's gonna be able to stop me from hurting you."


The six had reached the point to where they had to use their suits. It was a lot harder to climb with extra weight so they took it slow and steady.

Liam was helping Penny on a small ledge they found, making Vijay gave him the stink eye.

"Left hand there." Liam told the other boy.

"Thanks, I got it too." Vijay replied spitefully, climbing to the edge.

Liam lifted out his hand. "Here man."

"Hey, you're distracting me. Stop." Vijay refused to take the blonde's hand, causing him to slip and fall. He screamed as the others braced themselves to feel the pressure of his weight on the rope attached to them. 

"Vijay! Vijay, are you okay?" (y/n) knelt over the edge to look for him but the clouds were too thick to see through.

"Will." Judy called to her brother. "Let me down!" Will nodded as Judy slid down her rope to where Vijay was hanging off of. 

"Vijay!" (y/n) was still calling out for him as Penny joined the girl.

The boy groaned before responding. "I'm fine. I think I might have hurt my wrist."

Judy took his hand in hers and began to light press on it. "How does that feel?" She asked.

"It's okay."

She pressed another spot. "What about that?"

"No, that hurts." 

"Okay, it's starting to swell. I think it's fractured."

"Come one, let's focus on my other perfectly non-fractured wrist."

"Hey, don't feel bad. What we're doing isn't easy. Liam, can you come down here and bring the med kit?" Judy looked up.

"Yeah, on my way."

She put her gaze back on Vijay. "He's gonna bring you back to camp okay?" 

Vijay opened his mouth to argue when a voice interfered. "He's bringing you back whether you like or not Vijay." (y/n) said, her tone was nothing more than seriousness. 

Judy sighed. "This is what I was worried was gonna happen."

Within a few more moment, Liam and Vijay made their way back down to camp. Leaving the four to make it the rest of the way there.

Thankfully, it wasn't very far as the reached the titanium, getting straight to work and mining it. 

Using a large pickaxe and needle, the were able to obtain a lot of ore. Penny, who was distracted, didn't notice the small bag next to her, accidently kicking it.

The bag fly upwards, causing Penny to let out a gasp. "Woah! These updrafts are crazy. Could they actually blow us away?"

Will looked down below before looking back at his sister. "Pretty definitely." 

Penny went to say something when her gaze drifted to behind her brother. "Wow, look!"

The others turned their attention to the right of them, noticing a giant mist-waterfall flowing beside them. 

The mist of the water must've contained water as it created a rainbow when the sun shined upon it. 

"It's beautiful." The (h/c) girl said in awe, eyes shimmering as such a sight.

Will let out a small smile. "It's been a while since it's been just us."

Judy smiled at her family when her attention was shifted. "Just get what we came here for, okay?" 

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