
Around the middle of fourth hour, Mark burst into my classroom breathing heavily.

"Noel, have you heard?" I looked at him confused.

"Heard what?" He walked over to me with his eyes wide.

"Don't freak out okay?" Woah! He was scaring me, what could be this bad?

"Mark, what is it?"

"Carter and Brett got into a fight. They might expel her, she knocked him out." I jumped up and was about to run out of the door, but Mark stopped me. "You can't go, they'll think something's up! She's in the office right now. The only reason she wasn't expelled right then and there is because of her clean record and reputation. You have to stay here. I was only able to go because it's known that I'm her brother." I sighed frustrated.

"Dammit! Did he hurt her?"

"Her nose is bleeding, I don't know if it's broken or anything, and of course her knuckles are probably hurt." Oh my gosh, Carter!

"It's all of that stress! It's not her fault, he provoked her! He was saying things to her in my class. He planned it!"

"I'm not surprised. Noel, Carter and Brett have been enemies since middle school. This is the first time she's actually reacted to him like that. I'll keep you informed, just stay calm okay?" I nodded and sat back at my desk.

I was so nervous. What would happen to her? I hope she doesn't get expelled. I wish I could talk to her. I hope she's not hurt, I'm so worried.

At 5th hour, a knock came at my door, and Amy came in.

"Here's your lunch Noel. I'm sure you've heard about Carter." She sounded mad. I took the lunch from her.

"Thank you Amy, and yeah I've heard. Do you know exactly how it happened?" She sat down at the desk by mine and nodded.

"I was there. Brett has fourth period with us, Mr. Edwards stepped out of the room. He kept saying things about Carter, trying to provoke her. But Carter was trying to ignore him. Then, he started talking about her father, saying that she was just like him and that her mother had to hate her because who would want a child from a man like that? Carter was furious, and went over to him, but still didn't hit him. She just sneered in his face, then whispered something to him and he punched her. A few more exchanges, and then she knocked him out."

"How did Brett even know about Carter's father?"

"I don't know, I guess it was in the newspaper that he's getting out." That's weird though. Why would he do that to her though? Trying to make her mad, and stooping that low..

"Mark said they might expel her." Amy nodded.

"That's standard protocol for fighting.. I saw Ms. Coleman, she looked very angry.. Carter knows that she's not like her father, I don't know why she believed that. I don't know why that provoked her. I wonder what she said to him that made him so mad in a matter of seconds. I'm just so mad that she's done all of this and wasted it because of him. He got what he deserved though." I sighed and nodded. That's true.

"I honestly just want to see her. If-" The door to my room opened, and Mark looked at us with sad eyes.

"She's been expelled, it's final." My eyes widened.

"What's going to happen?" He sighed and came in.

"Well, she can finish the last part of that class she needed online easily, so she'll still graduate. She has an expulsion on her record now.. She doesn't seem to care."

Distractions (teacherxstudent) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now