94| N O V A N T A-Q U A T T R O

93 2 0


By the time I hopped off the last step, my office door got slammed shut.

The sound rang down the hallways, but there was no sign of anyone, wide awake in the middle of the night and besides that, who'd dare a foot in my office?

I got myself moving, my mind spinning for an answer. A part of me thought maybe it was the wind shutting the door, yet the wide-opened window in the hall told me otherwise, it was a calm peaceful midnight fall with no wind.

My grip tightened around the doorknob, it could be Akila, but she wouldn't make a sound. The woman she was, shifts and sway with shadows, wouldn't make a single noise.

Feeling nervous or anxious never hit me, whoever that person was, once they got in, there was no way of getting out.

In a smooth swing, the door pushed to the side and revealed a male figure, sitting on my desk chair.

His hair was dark, slicked back. Thick eyebrows and high cheekbones and his eyes, his eyes were green.

"Hello, brother."


"What the fu—" Armando stopped, looking around the room I dragged him into. Not just him, but the whole house.

"Alessandro, can you explain why we are all awake past two in the morning and why are you?" Adriano whined, rubbing his eyes out of sleep.

My hand slammed on the four files laid in front of them. Each file contained a contract, three birth certificates and three court papers. "Read."

At first, they were calm and relaxed, barely conscious of the lack of sleep and the amount of work we woke up to and slept on, then it started.

There was a fifth file, one that was made specially for me with the original papers while the ones they held were copies.

"What does this mean?" Emilion spoke first, his tone firm and demanding, confused and shaken. He exchanged glances around the room, waiting for a response, no one said anything.

They stared at each other, at the papers with wide eyes and empty minds. They all ignored meeting my gaze, except for Dante.

He was the only one staring at me, his face went through shock, confusion and anger, so much anger I felt his rage through mine before he finally said it out loud, "He's not your brother."

Adriano cussed under his breath, Emilion threw the files across the table and stood up. "So that fuck face was playing with us this whole time?" The air didn't circle, no, it stilled in fear, terrified of the truth, of the lies that've been told.

Adriano rose to his feet, laying a hand on Emilion's shoulder but he shoved him off. He sighed in return and looked at me, "There's more?" I thought back to the last file I left in my office, "There's one more, in my office. He got one for each of us."

Armando suddenly turned, facing the other side of the room where only shadows lingered and flickered, along with her. Far away, Akila leaned on a wall, arms crossed over her chest as she listened closely. His hands curled into fists and his lungs filled with oxygens, "you knew." He breathed out, glaring unblinkingly at Akila while she stayed quiet in her darkness, never uttering a word to confirm or deny his accusations which were enough for an answer.

Marcello mentioned it, "I didn't get our mafia princess a copy, she doesn't need it anyways." He blurted out with a wink before jumping out of the window, disappearing into the void.

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