78| S E T T A N T-O T T O

299 9 1

[ updates on Monday & Thursday ]

It has been eight days.

I moved the last suitcase up the trunk and closed it shut. I hit the back of the car twice and Armando started the engine.

I walked to the passenger seat and peeked my head through the opened window, "You have fun out there and try not to get killed?" I joked, taking a quick glimpse of Lydia and Lia in the back. Dante nor Julia couldn't risk their presence in such conditions; we decided to fly them away to Dante's grandparents in a small town, Atrani, far away from all of this.

Lia cried her eyes out, how she will be away from her older sister for a very long time but what she didn't know is Julia will be staying with them.

Dante will accompany them until the step of his grandparents' house and then tell Julia she's staying. It's my decision, it's an order she can't disobey that Dante was not happy about but I guess none of them have a choice, don't they?

"Oh we will have a lot of fun" Armando says, leaning on Dante's shoulder and wiggling his eyebrows. He shoved him away and hid away a smile. I chuckled and rested my arms crossed on the window, "Take care of this idiot for me" Armando gasped and put a hand over his heart in disbelief.

I sighed and shook my head but Dante gave me a nod for assurance. I took a step back and straightened my back, Armando pressed on the pedal and I thought to myself why is he the one driving.

The car made a grinding sound and echoed around the area, the girls giggled in the back seats and Armando took off.

I watches the car slowly going out of sight little by little, disappearing into the colorful sky, turning red and orange, mixing and colliding, performing and preparing for the night before the sun completely fades into the other side of the world.

I waved them a small weak goodbye and I blinked, I opened my eyes and saw nothing. They're gone. Out there. Following whatever path was written for them after this. Stay alive. I heard the voice in the back of my head as I twisted the knob and entered the house, the empty living room, the silent kitchen without the girls rambling about random ass topics, without Armando's head stuck up the fridge digging for food and Dante running after Lydia.

Everyone left and it's only the two of us.

I decided to head straight into the kitchen and make quick to eat before I had to start packing.

I pack my things today and we leave tonight past midnight, we leave and who knows if we'll ever come back, we leave not knowing if we'll ever get to stand here one more time, one more chance.

I let out a sigh and fixed myself an easy snack. I finished my food and left the kitchen with a loud ache in my head, constantly reminding me of this place, of this house I built step by step that I may never get to see again.

It's almost time, time for war, time for whatever the future holds for us and it's time to separate, to go our different ways to meet at the end, to reach a point where each one of us is able to reunite, to become one and fight in one breath, in one strength and one believe. One name. One family.

I walked into my office and left the door hanging. I approached my well organized and packed desk, taking out the last few things I will need before completely locking this room like the others.

The rooms were empty, the walls were no longer shaking in laughter and loud conversations. They packed before taking off, we packed everything in case anything happens, in case anything occurs out of the original plan.

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