35| T R E N T A-C I N Q U E

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Gerardo Albir, my father.

I laid down next to Alessandro and told him the one thing I once swore I would never tell to anyone but here I am letting it out to the twenty seven years old Italian mafia leader. It didn't feel weird on one other side, however it was relaxing on the other. For the first time, I didn't have to keep my identity a secret, I didn't have to lie about who I am and who I was. He didn't judge me, he never once thought I deserved any of it and that itself was enough for me to know he's exceptional.

I knew from the first day he wasn't there to fight nor looking for revenge, his only wish was to know who I am and not for business or whatever the hell he says, it's all because he wants to know the real me. As much as he denied it, I once did as well. I couldn't accept that there is a living being out there who wants me alive, it's not normal for a woman like me.

He understood me somehow that I can't believe until this day, how did he manage to feel and comprehend that much from a person he never had one conversation with. It's confusing yet impressive as he likes to describe me.

It's adorable but let's not get too deep into that yeah.

Anyways, it's sweet of him to care about me. I've never had someone who thought of my happiness or if I felt welcomed. He always made sure I'm included in whatever he's doing, even in his own breakfast along with remembering how much sugar I like in my coffee. It made me feel.

I'm always numb and I still am, it's just that even when you don't want to feel he makes all of these irresistible feelings appear leaving your mind and body shocked to this new unknown warmth crawling up your whole body.

He remembers everything, whether it's small or big. He takes all the time in the world to look at me as if he doesn't have a million things on his back, I'm not complaining believe me. He thinks I'm not noticing or simply don't care, oh my dear Alessandro.

It's funny if you ask me but I'm not playing with his feelings I swear. The thing is Akila right here has a face of a rock, it doesn't move nor change which affects him in a way I didn't want. I never want to hurt him, I would never want to hurt the only person I sort of trust.

Listen, I said once I don't trust anyone and I don't but he trusted me so damn hard that it pushed me to trust him as well you know. It's crazy how this is actually happening, what the actual hell. Am I seriously trusting a guy I don't even talk to.

This is, I don't even know how to explain it because it doesn't make sense. How did he accept that. I need the recipe.

"Is he the one who did it" asked a concerned Alessandro. He was trying so hard to stay calmed which is just so cute. God, what is happening to me.

I gently ran my other hand through his hair and fixed it a little bit since the air messed it up. "He's my father, don't worry he never touched me" he sighed in relief not knowing what I was about to tell him "But he would let me get abused" and there was the anger rising more and more as his body tensed so hard that it was about to turn into a wall. Not now Akila.

"Hey, it's okay" I told him softly, trying my best to let him know that I'm fine now because even if the person is between your arms sometimes you still have a feeling they're unsafe. "No it's not" he answered without looking at me. I lifted his chin up, meeting his emerald eyes "You know I got it right? and here I am, I'm much better as you can see" I finished with a smirk this time, come on I love it when I smirk and so does he. It's a fair point.

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