93| N O V A N T A-T R E

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Removing the last paper off Alessandro's poor bed I constantly messed with my paperwork and files, my thoughts dragged me back, one night before when my name was introduced to many new faces, ordered to follow and respect me as Akila Lorzeno and not the invisible Venom no one knew what she looked like.

It was strange, desperate from my last twenty-four years of living. At that point, they knew my name, my real name and where I came from, whose blood ran in my veins and pumped my cruel heart if it still exists.

A sigh managed to ease that thought, my instants glad and secure that my face remained hidden, a mystery and a riddle to those who are curious, those whose eyes wandered around and found nothing.

I could have walked into that room, spoken for myself, threatened their lives in their homeland and no one would've uttered a word but I knew better than that.

Power could be gained much easier than some warnings and bluffing and if I was planning to kill one, I wasn't about to stand there and give some speech, I'd aim, hit my shot and walk off.

On the other hand, I was now a huge image of Alessandro.

He admitted working with me, standing and choosing my side, a side of the woman who blew up their warehouse a year ago and turned their holy court into dust a year later. I will never forget the ball night.

My lips edged to one side and I swung the door open. The ball must've been the favourite of my long history with explorations and bombing shit. That night, I'd show Alessandro my castle. I'd allow one and only human into my home, the place I've built brick by brick.

We also fucked that night, I took him into my bedroom, and we stayed up for hours until the sun rose, yet we continued, unable to stop, to take our hands off each other.

A soft giggle vibrated my chest at the memory when we both burst out laughing at the sun creeping through the heavy clouds.

It was crazy how everything between us changed that day, how everything between us tore apart and rebuilt, led us to one another, led us to this new life, few feelings and dreams, dreams of eternity, of a lifetime in another world enough for us, for our story and legends far deeper and stronger than earth.

One year. A voice whispered in the back of my mind. One year ago I was in my house, waiting for Alessandro and his two friends to find Lydia and start searching for more, for me. A year and three days ago, I saw him up close and he saw me for the first time. Tied in his basement after my plan worked, a year and three days since I finally confessed how handsome he was, how something about him pulled me in like open gates, welcoming me in with a gold invitation.

But I kept that part away, locked and far away and distant that I've forgotten, I've gone on with our new shared life and fell in love with him.

He was so flustered when I first told him, when I first spoke the three words out loud, ones he felt long before I did, long before I knew.

I loved him and I said it. I truly felt and truly spoke, laying my emotions bare and raw, unfolding my heart and desires I thought were filled, were dead but he came in, crashed in and shook his head in disapproval. I guess he had other plans for my doomed soul.

It was funny how I was the one to plan, and set a beginning and ending while he lived day by day, dealing and thriving in Ity whatever was thrown at him and here we were, two people who didn't believe in love, seeing and went through so much that the idea seemed plain and fictional, not suitable for the things we did, the sins we committed with each step, yet, somehow, we found it. We found one another and began from there, beginning from a never-ending.

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