75| S E T T A N T A-C I N Q U E

301 8 5


A white room, a couch, a window and curtains.

My eyesight finally focuses and I'm able to look around, k turn my head and find Dante talking to some nurse in fake purple while Emilion stands next to them with an angry face.

Emilion blows air out of his mouth and rolls his eyes, when they land on me, they widen and he pushes through Dante and the nurse.

A second later, Dante realized and said something to the nurse before rushing to my bed. "God. You got me sick worried" he breathes out of relief and Emilion asks how I'm feeling.

I don't know how I'm remind, I don't know how to handle this, I don't know to deal and live without her, without her by my side through everything, everything she has always been there, she always made sure I'm okay, I'm healthy and happy, now she's gone, she's gone forever and I'm left with her memory, her images in my mind when she would wraps me in her arms and tell me it's alright, it will be fine and I will grow up one day to the person I dream of, to achieve my plans and find true happiness into a world of my own.

It just doesn't sit right with me, my heart doesn't want it to end, my heart doesn't want to accept she's not here, she's dead and never coming back.

I feel Dante's band on my shoulder, I look up at him and he smiles weakly. I release a defeated sigh and try to let it sink in, let her last words wake me up, push me back up because I have to, I have to do it for her, for them, for me.

Everyone crashes into the room and thank God I'm alive. Apparently, I've been out for days, almost a week after we came back. The doctors said I've lost too much blood and a rib, it would be a miracle if I survived.

They wanted to take down the machines the first few days and let me die in peace but someone refused, someone was too stubborn and crazy to let me go that easily.

"Where is she" I ask, adjusting myself on the bed. They've all seen it coming, of course I was going to ask where she is but I'm not given any answers, I'm given strange complications, unclear messages I'm not liking. "She saved all of us. She brought us back here with a boat I believe she had back up in the plane. The second we landed, she drove you to the hospital and we followed, she checked you in and paid a ridiculous amount of money then left"

"She would come back at night, every single day, at one in the morning sharp. We left the room for privacy but she never really did something. She stood far away from you and stared for two hours. She enters the room and keeps her distance from your bed and looks out as minutes pass. When it hits three o'clock, she's getting herself out" Adriano stops to catch his breath and Lilianna patts him on the back.

Tension breaks into the room, Armando scratches on the back of his neck and they share glances. I feel my temper erupting and I grind on my teeth, "what is it" I demand even when I know it's bad, I know it will upset me but I have to know. Armando signs and looks at me nervously, "She hasn't come back for the past two days"

Lord save me from this, help me because I can't help myself anymore, help me because I'm tired, my bones are wrecked and I can't hold on for any longer, I'm trying, I'm trying but it's only getting harder, only getting worst and painful, so painful I don't want to feel, I don't want to see nor live it, I don't want it at all.

"I'm sure she will come back to check on you, she wouldn't leave without knowing whether you're alive or suffering" Julia assures me, she tells me with a smile through her worry to calm mine but she doesn't get it, she doesn't understand, none of them will.

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