80| O T T A N T A

280 5 1


One minute we're in the air and one minute we're running.

Déjà vu? I guess so.

We're running, running and speeding for our love winde Akila decided to have some fun.

But little did I know that kind of fun, included landing on an airport, jumping out of the plane and escaping from security.

Oh. Did I forget to mention the cops?

Our luggage are left behind, apparently they will be too scared to walk into her shooting bullets plane and we will be able to go back for the suitcases later.

I didn't even know, I thought we would land in some abandoned space or something but no, Akila likes a dramatic entrance, even though the mission is supposed to be undercover and not draw too much attention.

Another stupid cop shoot with his stupid gun that sounds like rightly years old choking on ashes. I groan loudly, not caring who hears us at this point, the whole airport is shut down because of us, for us, we're so special.

My thoughts slam shut in my face when I hear the sound of Akila laughing by my side. I take a moment to look at her, fighting back a smile as she states back with so much energy, so much joy breaking through the numbness she's used to.

And I fail, I fail and smile back, she giggles and I roll my eyes playfully. She's suddenly alerted and shifting her focus forwards. I followed her lead and met a very high wall in front of us, great.

"Together" she says even when the wind is blowing, even when the group is mad at us, even when the world is a giant us and wink, she winks at me and jumps herself on the wall, she grips the end of it and starts climbing.

I blink, I blink and watch her peacefully when another bullet passes by my head. Okay, I shake the chills away and do the exact same thing as her.

We both make it to the end and land on the outhit side, we hear some really naughty Romanian curse words and grin at each other.

Before we could have a second, a flash light of a car situated ahead of us.

Akila doesn't run just yet but she's about to, so I take the moment to grab her hand, bring it up to my lips and lean down, kissing her softly and pulling my lips away, I look into her eyes, "Together"

My body is slammed against a wall, down a dark alley where we're hiding until the cops give up and stop searching for us. "You know what I'm thinking" her breaths settle on my throat, sending shivers down my spine. Her breasts are pressed against my chest and I'm absolutely fully in her, it's the clothes separating us.

The alley is too small, too tight to breathe, too tight to contain my reckless thoughts, to tame my sinful images.

"Please" I beg out of oxygen, out of control, out of need for her.

She giggles lightly and shifts around in her place. I hitch and my breath breaks, both my hands grip her arms still, "I'm serious" my eyes are buried into hers, unblinking, trying my best to survive this.

"I know" she smirks and gives no care in the world so I let go, I unrelease and feel her, I kiss her lips and taste her I desperately move her shirt up to touch her bare skin, I tighten my grip around her hips and find her tongue.

Akila is lifted off the ground, her back against the wall, he'd head is up facing the sky, fighting for a glimpse of air while I suck on her, I sick and torture her neck, her throat, every inch I could reach.

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