20| V E N T I

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I hate starting new business. I have been in my office for five hours, it's almost lunch time for fucks sake. I went through hundreds of papers, making Dante send me more on the way. I'm working on building a new company in Milan. It will be the same business as my company here. I woke up and started working right when I got a phone call from Dante telling me that we finally received the market research. Dante dropped off some papers of locations where we could possibly build the company. A location strategy is basically a plan for obtaining the optimal location for a company by identifying company needs and objectives, and searching for locations with offerings that are compatible with these needs and objectives. Along with the papers of our men, this company needs a lot of employees, workers with engineering degrees, not forgetting security and secretarias. The automotive industry is way more complicated than most people think. Companies in the automotive industry fall into two categories that are car manufacturers and car parts manufacturers. All those companies and activities involved in the manufacture of motor vehicles, including most components, such as engines and bodies, but excluding tires, batteries, and fuel. Each department offers advancement opportunities and careers to fit your personality and passion. Jobs in the automotive industry can teach you new skills, allow you to work in a high-tech work environment with long-term job security, and provide you with competitive wages and benefits. A career as an automobile engineer is for people who are driven and passionate about cars or bikes. They must have considerable understanding and interest in mechanics, electronics, and mathematics as these are vital skills required for this career path.

I placed both of my hands on my face, letting out a sigh. This is tiring. I took my left hand off my face, looking down at my watch, it's two in the afternoon. I rested both my hands on the arms of the chair, standing up. I walked around the desk, heading towards the door. I stepped out of the office, walking through the hallway when my eyes caught Venom's bedroom door. Last night ended with both of us going to our separate rooms after staring into each other's eyes for god knows how long.

I got into my room and fell asleep immediately, not being able to take another second with my eyes opened along with thoughts playing with my head. I hope she got to rest as well, she looked tired yesterday. Although I've only seen her tired for one second, I had this urge to make sure she's better and well rested now.

I reached the kitchen, thinking about what to cook for lunch. Lunch is the only meal I enjoy having, it's midday, in between the morning and the night. As a European, this is the most important meal of the day. I decided to make Pasta al Tonno. I stood in the kitchen, going back and forth in the area, making sure nothing got burned.

I was pretty decent in cooking, I personally created my restaurant's menus. When I first joined the food service industry, I made sure everything was on point, perfect for the best food service. Owning an Italian restaurant was challenging for sure, especially around other restaurants with the same cuisine. I owned seven fine dining restaurants, two of them located here and the other five around Italy. Fine dining restaurants offer diners an upscale meal experience often comprising several courses. These types of restaurants try to create a stylish atmosphere that speaks of elegance, exclusivity, class and that's exactly what we do and offer for our lovely customers.

I let the smell of fresh pasta travel through my nose. I took the pan off the heat, finishing the cooking part. I grabbed a plate from the cabinet along with a fork from the cutlery. I placed the plate of pasta on the kitchen counter, taking a seat, ready to taste what I have been cooking for thirty minutes but something didn't feel right.

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