74| S E T T A N T A-Q U A T T R O

291 7 3


The sun has set. Dawn had begun, marking the beginning of twilight and glamour stars shining along the moon

We sat around a fire, far away from where the battle occurred, eating the remaining food we found in the crashed plane.

Alessandro is somewhere alive, he's still breathing but he lost a lot of blood, too much blood that it's doubtful if he will make it for a couple more hours until I can get us out of here, get him out of here and provide him with actual care, with actual protection because I've failed once and I won't fail again.

I have a boat, but they don't know about that yet.

I wasn't expecting Enzo to show up with an army full of hundred men but I always expect, I always predict the future because I won't risk it, I won't risk Alessandro's life, especially after stealing him from the court, after blowing up their most sacred place, their greatest most valuable land that I showed up one day and set on fire, turned history into ash and harmed their previous leader, their current leader and their future leader.

Basically I messed them up, badly.

"You know once we land in Sicily they will find you one way or another. I understand you have your own ways and I respect them but those people are insane and what you've done is far worse than what we've ever faced" Adriano tells me, warns me or simply informs me, I don't know at this point.

But I don't care, I didn't care and never will. They can go bash crazy on me, they can search around every street and corner of Italy and the curves of this world, no one will set a finger on me, no one will see me running through shadows, no one will ever be sick in the head, as much as I am.

"We're worried about you and him. Let's be real, if they find out Alessandro is with you, they won't hesitate to kill us all" Armando follows him and try to catch my attention but I'm long gone from them, I'm somewhere else floating within my thoughts, planning and setting boundaries, I need to get rid of him.

"Akila" my head snapped, a bit too fast for normal but that wasn't my concern. Emilion swallows down his throat and adjusts himself uncomfortably, "I'm sorry but uh um do you have a plan to get us out of here" I hate questions.

I take a deep breath in for the sake of Alessandro and release it slowly, "yes" I simply reply and look away, fixing my eyes on the beautiful dark waves, moving back and forth, crashing into the shore and leaving again with the rest.

I heard some lips separate and chose to answer before I got asked another question. "No. I won't tell you what the plan is, you just have to stick by it with your mouth shut" my voice is cold and steady, it's clear I hate those little discussions and they finally shut up about it.

I rise to my feet and storm away from the fire where we sat, I feel pairs of eyes on me as I walk away but I dismiss them. I need to walk, I need some time alone to think, to regain some strength and sanity.

I let out a dark sigh, escaping from the depth of my lungs. I grab the hood of my gown and pull it on top of my head, I step into the woods, swing with the trees and fasten with the wind.

It's two or three in the morning, the sky started snowing, covering the leaves with white snow, freezing water and scaring wild animals away.

I lift my chin to the sky, I allow the little drops of snow to connect with my skin, to create a connection through our cold identical temperatures. I almost feel nothing as the soft flake hits my cheeks, I chuckle and pull my head down.

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