29| V E N T I-N O V E

707 14 11

[ all-action-chapter ]

Last night, before everyone left. I let them know that they'll be moving in the house with Venom and I.

Thoughts have been as always consuming the living daylights out of my mind, wondering. I have a thing for rethinking everything, positively and negatively. Tomorrow is a big day, interesting even. I shook my head left to right and stood up, making my way towards the door.

I left my room and started walking down the hallway, to Armando's room. I reached his door and opened it, walking in already towards his bed.

I shook his shoulders aggressively "wake up you little shit." He opened his eyes at lightning speed and sat up. "Alessandro what the fu-" I dragged him by his shoulder out of his bed, we literally needed to talk.

"Okay, okay fine. You don't have a little bit of empathy for a sleepy man?" I looked at him, he was staring up at me, bent in half with one eye opened and one eye closed and his free hand on his thigh. God he's such a child. This man has issues.

"Armando I swear to god I will chop your hand off and slap you with your own hand." There was silence. "Why did you say that like you've done it before?" I chuckled and let go of his arm, making my way towards the door. "Oh my god you did!! Alessandro please stay seven feet away from me." I let out a loud laugh and started walking downstairs with a seven-feet-away Armando following behind.

"We need to talk" He nodded and sat down in front of me. "About tomorrow's mission" He nodded again. "But we also need to talk ab—" he paused "I actually don't want to know, never mind" I let out a laugh once again, shaking my head slightly left to right.

"So, there is this really big ass mission. There's a Russian territory we will be entering. From my information, we precisely have five houses that need to be cleaned up and blown down. It's going to be me, you, Dante, Emilion and Adriano. This place has Russian soldiers around it, they're obviously hidden and we need to take them down first" he nodded in understanding.

"We have to work together in each house, no separation unless we're all inside one house" He nodded again. "and as always, the back entrance" I paused for a second. "We blow up and kill"—"And lastly, we take off from my company" He nodded once again before standing up this time and heading back to bed.

I stood up right after him, making my way towards my room as well. As I took my last turn and entered my room, I threw myself on the bed and hugged my pillow. Sighing in relief. I had a feeling this would go well.

I turned on my right side and pulled the sheets up. Drifting off to sleep right there and then. Not giving myself any extra time to think about anything.

It was nine am when I opened my eyes. Actually let me rephrase that, it was nine am when I glanced over the alarm. I'm not always a fan of mornings, but today's the day. I got off my bed and did my usual morning routine, brushed my teeth, washed my face and got dressed. Running my hand through my messy morning hair.

After a couple minutes I made my way throughout the door with Venom sitting in the passage et seat. I turned the music slightly up and rolled down the windows. A slight smile forming on my face.

Not too long after, due to my extraordinary driving skills, and love of speeding. We arrived at my company. I rolled up the windows, readjusted my suit and walked in behind Venom.

I had asked her the other day if she could take care of a few work papers in my office since I would be gone for a day or two. She accepted with a nod.

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