79| S E T T A N T A-N O V E

240 5 1


"Ready?" I look around one last time, I look out of the window and let myself remember, recollect and keep, keep and save somewhere deep in my mind and heart for a forever lasting as long as I could drive as long as I could live.

I tighten my grip around the wheel, I take a deep breath in and allow the words to slip out of my tongue. "Ready" Her car roars with so much power and force, hitting the brake and releasing ahead of me.

I move the stuck shift and advance. We drive out of the garage, the gates close as we leave, the house set behind us and off we go.

I follow Akila down the road, leasing us to the plane she has prepared for this very long mission. I first offered one of my private hers but she refused and I couldn't understand why, but now I do.

Akila is not taking us somewhere in Italy to hide or receive some information underground, no, she's planning big, she's planning the Romanians.

Turns out she knew all along, of course she did, and she had already set a mystery to solve out of it.

Akila and I will be travelling four cities in Romania, saving the best for last, starting with Constanța, a small city situated by the Black Sea.

Our main point is to comprehend as much as possible, to observe as two foreigners how they move, how they act and how they survive, we will be roaming the land in two people's bodies, two people who never exist.

Akila got us both fake IDs with fake names and nations. I just have to hope no one notices my Italian charm.

I chuckle, bringing my eyes back to Akila's car only to time us on a road similar to the one that led us to her house the first time we officially met. Hyperions surrounding each side, the sun barely out and birds awakening from the sound of our arriving.

The leaves are a dark shade of orange, starbage and confusing with brown.

Flowers are gone, colorful planes take their shift off for weeks as autumn approaches little by little.

Akila takes a sharp turn, drifting her car with the road curve and immediately stops. I hit my brake not two seconds after her, I rushed out of my car to check on her when a shadow covered the soft light shining through the skies and sun.

I slowly lift my head up, forcing my eyes to look, to explore and Yeager. I see a place, a long divine bald plane ahead of us.

Akila steps forward, clicking on a hidden button among the darkness and the stairs come down. Her head turns, shifting directly in my way with a bright smile, with deepened dimples buried in her cheeks with a glamour spark taking over her closed soul, far away from human kind, from the world and its cruelty.

The muscles in my jaw move, unable to take in the amount of things I'm feeling, the amount of things I need to do, I need to say. It hurts all over again, and again.

I breathe out, I choke out and listen to her excited voice, "I can't believe it's still here" she motions to the plane, looking back and forth between the two of us. "It's been years" her hand rests in the metal and she stares at it for a moment before I join her.

This one. This one landed me here four years ago" she explains, gaze full of life and harmony, full of hope and aim I will never get enough of. "And now it's flying you out" her hand falls to her waist but I catch it, I take it in mine and connect our fingers, I collide our temperatures and she rubs on my ring, the ring she gave me one night with a smile, a smile I get so see again, a smile to thank me, to show her awareness, her gratefulness for my presence when it suddenly hit me.

Akila came here four year ago, alone and unsteady, unsure whether her cover is blown up, whether this place will bring her luck or failure, a chance or death.

She stepped out here, she first landed a foot on this mark with  and now she's back, she's back with so much, too much for words to overcome.

Being here, standing by her side did something, it healed her in some way, somewhere along the years, the years of fear, of survival and escape. It broke down another wall and rebuilt a new one, a fresh one to assist, to charge her, to guide her further because that's what Akila does, she doesn't stumble, she doesn't hold back and hesitate, she's set, she's positioned, she's ready for the fight, for the first hit, for the first kill, she's here, she's alive, she's born for this.

She raises both our hands and opens mine, using it to cup her cold cheek. I let my hand travel down her neck, pulling her to me, I press my lips softly on her forehead and kiss her for a moment, for a little longer, longer that we realize it's time to go, it's time to begin.

The suitcases are locked safely in the back of the plane, the cars are left behind in the woods for Mother Nature to take care of them for us.

Akila is standing in front of the stairs, patiently waiting for me as I walk closer to her. I leave a short distance between us from behind and watch her take the first step.

I was about to follow her when excitement took over her, she spins around to meet my eyes, to kill me again, to torture me for not being allowed to rip the whole plan and have her right here, right now.

I sigh and ama gets to hold her gaze, "After you, love" with that being said, she continues her way up and I'm straight behind her. We wake our way to the end of the stairs and the doors close, the engines start and head off, flying to ROMANIA.


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