87| O T T A N T A-S E T T E

200 7 3

[ I know you hate me for being extremely late ]

Akila took a sharp turn, leaving the rest of us to a gas station.

Whitie kept whining the whole ride how much he was in desperate need of the bathroom, reminding me of Armando but as usual, Akila and I both yelled at him to shut up and hold it in.

He was the first to take his helmet off and run towards the bathrooms. Narcisa, who refused to ride a motorcycle of her own unlike us, sat behind Whitie through the last three hours.

We rode three bikes, one for myself, the other for Akila and the last for Whitie and his fake twin. It was surprising and impressive, I must add, how they looked so much alike yet not related by any source or blood.

I even had to wonder what their kids would look like, could their hair possibly get any whiter, their blue eyes get any colder and lighter.

But it seemed nothing romantic was going on between them, almost like a genuine friendship. And if that Narcisa was by any chance seriously into the man she stayed with and helped keep his secret, then she got a lot of explaining to do for staring at me day and night.

Akila hasn't been so pleasant about her company with us but Whitie promised if she even made any sound, we could throw her and abandon her in the middle of the road.

It easened up Akila's nerves and creeped a grin on her full dark lips.

A sound of quiet whistling broke the silence as we waited for the white head and pumped gas. I snapped my neck to glare at Narcisa aho immediately smiled once our eyes met.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. Whitie mentioned Narcisa was twenty two years old. She used to live with her family but left them about a year and half ago, moving in an apartment all by herself to achieve and support her dreams of becoming a boxer, at least that part of her identity wasn't a lie.

Narcisa stopped breathing for a second before breaking our eye contact and staring at the ground. I turned my attention on Akila, certain she was the one who scared the girl's gaze away. I grinned and winked at her while she stood in front of the gas container, filling her tank.

I moved my motorcycle to the container facing hers and started filling my own tank. I held her eyes with mine, for seconds, minutes, I lost count getting pulled away in those dark hazel only visible through the helmet covering the rest of her face.

I wasn't going to wear a helmet but that almost got me killed by Akila, screaming and lecturing me about any object that could possibly show out of nowhere and hit my face.

"Do you want a broken nose?" She wasn't really asking but I answered. "God, no. I like my nose." I had told her, brushing a finger down my nose.

She didn't reply ever since and handed me the helmet that hung around my head, leaving no space for any magical object flying around to injure my pretty face as she once called it.

"Thank you for waiting, I honestly thought you would leave me behind." Whitie confessed as he made it back on his rude, "Oh I was going to, I would only if my tank didn't take much time" He snorted out a nervous laugh and mumbled of course under his breath, even I wouldn't believe Akila would actually wait for anyone.

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