83| O T T A N T A-T R E

192 6 2

[ one of my favorites ]

I stare down at my good blankly, tossing the little fruits in the bowl with my spoon, losing my appetite little by little if it's not lost already.

Akila has been off lately, it has been a few days since she left our suite in welt in the morning, to come back as night falls with an unease screaming louder than her weak voice.

She wouldn't shake, she would sit so still, my sight blurred her out. And what worried me the most, her silence.

She didn't speak, she didn't wrap herself around my arms and told me about her day, one of her old adventures. It was different, far. We got ready each morning, taking the elevator together there and making our way to the university.

We got closer with the chaotic group, and I still stand my group about being, acting as Akila's beloved friend.

Although she didn't give me much attention, it broke something in me when she freely spoke and laughed into their conversation and haven't even tried one with me.

I am aware it's an act, it's a part of the mission to blend in and hide our true colors, projecting one that helps our story, our cover.

Before we came here, I wondered why we had to do all of this, pretend, change names and fake ids. We could've easily tracked down our target with no need of undercover and forcing fake smiles.

But then I don't doubt Akila, nor do I question her. I know she calculates everything in her own twist angelic way, acting and doing for our best yet it got to me, more than I would admit, how much I wanted to join her knowledge, to charge and we both plan together instead of her plotting on one side while I work on my path. I wanted to be her partner, not sequel.

Sebastian snaps his fingers in my face, bringing me back from my thoughts. Adelina and Georgiana are both watching me while Akila, Amaya and Darius are drawn somewhere deep into a fun discussion it seems by her bright smile. "You know at first I thought she loved you but it looks like her eyes are dry on someone else" Adelina shares her fair thoughts and admits her assumption. I try not to reach much and offer a soft shrug but I know, God I knew when my shoulders rose and fell, they kept falling.

"Are you okay" Georgiana's soft voice broke the silence and I felt Sebastian and Adelina shifting away from us.

I closed my eyes, breathing in and nodd. Once my lashes flicker open, Georgiana is now leaned closer across from me, her arm resting on the table, crossed, one palm holding her right cheek that slightly touched with color.

All of a sudden she pushed back and stood up. "Walk with me" she asks, more demanding but she fails as her shyness creeps in, fear of rejection feeding on her insecurities.

I take a forbidden moment to look into her eyes, for the time since we met these people. I held her gaze with mine, unlike the other times she tried and I left her holding onto nothing.

Her eyes battled with emotions, too many of them even if they were fully black, nothing would hide and lock away what the heart fluttered.

I almost see myself in her, imagining if that's how I look when I'm staring but into forest green, deeper and buried with hazel who's now drawn to another.

I don't give a proper answer and help myself on my feet. "Lead the way" I feel sets of eyes on me, including Akila's and Darius but I'm far ahead to look back now.

We walk away, moving outside the cafeteria. I was a few steps in front of Georgiana due to our height differences and her petite steps. Georgiana is five three by the looks of it.

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