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Isha's POV.

"Ishaan?" I called for him.

"I'm here" he came running in my room.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"bathroom" I said.

"Okay, let's do this" he helped me get up and then with all the strength I built up in the past three months I made my way to the bathroom.

"I got it from here" I said as we reached the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll be waiting right here for you" he said before closing the door.

It's been hard and challenging and sometimes draining. It's not easy to gain back the strength of doing something you've always been easily doing. I won't lie, I've been a lazy bum most of my teenage years. I'd focused on school work and then when I had free time I'd relax and sometimes even stay in bed all day.

It's only after losing the ability to walk on my own that I realized I had a privilege. A privilege I didn't cherish enough and now I miss it more than ever. It's that yearning feeling that is pushing me to not give up. Ishaan has been stuck by my side. He doesn't go out, he doesn't work, he doesn't do much other than staying by my side and helping me with everything.

We talk, we watch tv shows together, we pray together, we read together. Believe it or not we've done more together in the past months than we ever did before. He cooks for me, he helps me change, he brushes my hair, does my hijab, helps me with washing and all other necessities. He's always there for me. It leaves me wondering if he ever gets tired of doing the same thing everyday. If I'm keeping him from doing what he really wants. Am I a burden to him now?

After using the bathroom, I carefully stepped out and Ishaan was already there to help me get back to bed.

"how you feeling today?" he asked me.

"I'm okay...and you're okay?" I asked.

"of course I am." he always says this but does he mean it?

"We're going to rehab at 12pm. okay?" he reminded me. I have rehab twice a week.

"actually...um...Ezra will bring me this time" I just want him to enjoy his day for once. I'm sure he needs a break.

"are you sure? I've been going with you since the beginning. Why with Ezra all of a sudden?" he asked frowning.

"she wanted to see me so I thought why not just join me for rehab...isn't that fun—you have the day to yourself?" I asked.

"if that's what you want...I'm okay with it" he agreed although he didn't look so happy about it.

At 11:30am, Ezra arrived to pick me up.

"hey bestie! hi Ishaan, oh...are you considering shaving lately?" she exclaimed coming into the living room.

"hi Ezra" I smiled. Ishaan doesn't say anything.

"So, are we ready to get it moving today?" she asks enthusiastic.

"yeah, let's go" Ezra came to me and pulled my wheelchair from behind.

"hey Ezra," as we were about to leave, Ishaan called Ezra as she looked back.


"Take good care of her please. And, if there's anything you call me first okay?" my heart skipped a beat. He cares for me so much, it gives me chills and the fact that I'm leaving the house alone without him for the first time in three months makes it overwhelming for me.

"I won't let her out of my sight. You better shave that beard before we're back or I'm taking her home with me" she said as I couldn't help but chuckle.

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