The Eyes Never Lie

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Isha's POV.

We made up tents and got in teams before we were all given a task to complete till diner. The winners get rewarded. I couldn't focus on anything at the moment.

Mine and Ezra's task was to find the three red flag hidden in the forest. Ask me how I feel about it? Well, I don't mind. I could use some good walking. The thing is that I can't stop overthinking this whole conversation I just had with the man who's a red flag himself.

Why do I see something else in him despite knowing what kind of person he is?

"Hi girls!" As soon as Ezra and I got out of our tent we met with...Elizabeth?

I can't believe she's talking to us.

"We know you?" Ezra asked.

"Of course you guys do! I'm Ishaan's girlfriend and soon to be fiancé" WHAT?

"Fiancé? Damn." Ezra was as shocked as I was.

"Do you need something?" I asked her.

"I have the same task as you guys and none of my friends are down to complete it with me so I thought I'd join you instead" something is fishy.

"Sure. Why not." I agreed even if I'm sure she's got something on the back of her head.

"You...sure you want to walk in the forest with these on" Ezra pointed her sandals.

"Of course. I got this." she said.

We got into the forest all together and began looking for the red flags.

" like him?" she asked.

"Like who?" I asked.

"Ishaan" she said.

"I don't. Why?"

"Clearly, you do. He's good at making anyone fall for him." She said.

"I really don't. I always knew you were into him though." I said.

"Give up on him. Because if you don't—he will." Is this a warning or a threat?


"He wants something from you. I don't know what yet but there's something for sure. Once he's got it...he'll disappear." I wasn't sure if I could believe her.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"I found one!" Ezra exclaimed running to grab the flag.

"I'm saving you from embarrassment and heartache. You deserve better." she said.

"Don't worry about it. I don't like him." I reassured her although I don't think she actually cares. She's in love with him. I can see it.

Her phone rang all of a sudden as she excused herself before walking back towards the exit of the forest. Wow. She clearly didn't want to team up with us. She just wanted to warn me to leave her man alone. Her fiancé as she claims him to be.

"Where did she go?" Ezra came back.

"She's sus. We don't need her anyway. Let's go."


It took us around an hour to find all the flags as we had made it pretty far in the forest.

"We did that" Ezra said proudly.

"Period" I confirmed.

We got on our way back to where we are supposed to stay for the night. The sun was getting down and it was beginning to be a bit chilly.

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