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Isha's POV.

I got up in the split of a second and walked pass him towards the parking lot. It's not him. It's a monster. He's not the guy you once knew. He broke your heart and left you for a another girl. He played you and never loved you. Don't forget the pain he made you go through.

"Where are you going? I thought you were getting married?" He asked following me as I was looking for my car. Where did I park it? I completely forgot.

"Were you crying? You can talk to me. I promise I won't disappear this time. Isha I..." found it!

I was about to get inside my car when he suddenly placed his hand on the door not stopping me from opening it. I turned around to face him.

"Isha, it's me. It's Ishaan. I'm back. I know it's surprising. We have a lot of talking to do—" I slapped him across the face.

"Go to hell." I said before trying to open the car door as he stopped me once again.

"Leave me alone!" He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

Oh my Allah! He's insane!!

"Put me down you monster!!" I yelled while struggling to get out of his grip. It was useless. He was bigger, taller and stronger. My small figure couldn't do anything against him.

He walked to his car and threw me in before getting inside himself. My attempt to open the door was useless when he had baby lock on.

"Open the freaking door! Have you lost it?! I'm suing you for this once I'm out!" Yes I am threatening him.

"You haven't changed my feisty little sweet peach" PSYCHO FREAK!

"Let me go or I'm calling the cops!" I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and was about to dial their number when he snatched it from me and threw it out the window.

"My new phone you jerk!!" I just want to rip his hair off.

"Shut up, I'm going to drive" he started the car and drove away. I'm basically getting kidnapped.

"Where the hell are you taking me?!" I asked. I was literally yelling at him but I didn't care. What if he's taking me somewhere to kill me?

"Shut up and you'll see"

"I'll see you in court once I'm out of this car" I replied as he chuckled. What's so funny to him?

Forty five minutes later, we arrived at a place far from the city and from where I live. Where the hell did he brought me to? It was a huge glass house just like the ones in the movies. We could see the whole interior of the house from outside. There was a pool outside that blended with the entrance of the house. It was a very unique house. This property is mind blowing and it must cost a fortune.

He parked the car and then got out before coming on my side and opening the door.

"Come out and walk in with me calmly or I will pick you up again" okay kidnapper.

I got out before he could put his filthy hands on me again and walked with him towards the house. What does he want to show me now? How happy he is in his glasshouse mansion looking like with his wife Elizabeth and his four gangster kids? Was breaking my heart not enough?

He put a security code in before we stepped inside the house. I hate him but this house is so incredibly beautiful that I can't even begin to explain how I feel right now.

He made me follow him to an outstanding living room imam? What is...happening?

"She's here. Let's begin." This can't be what I'm thinking this is.

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