Dangerous Man

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Isha's POV.

I cried all the tears in my body. I feel numb and I don't know what to think or do. My family will worry about me. I don't even have my phone to let them know I'm safe.

This monster isn't letting me out of this room and I am stuck in here. It's midnight and I am starving. My birthday is completely ruined. Worst birthday ever.

"I ordered pizza. I know you're hungry so come." he said finally coming back.

"I'm not" my stomach replied otherwise.

"Come on, I know you are" he came to me and picked me up bridal style.

I let him because my body was too weak at this point to even react. He wants to treat me like i'm nothing and do whatever he wants with me? Fine. Do it. I know people will come looking for me and then he'll pay for this.

He walked out of the room and into the dining room before placing me on one of the chairs. The pizza smelled heavenly.

"Eat" he demanded sitting beside me.

I won't starve myself because of him.

I grabbed a slice and took a bite. This is so delicious.

"Good girl" I fake chuckled.

"I'm not a dog" I replied with a straight face.

"I never said you were"

"Well, you're treating me like one. For the love of god Ishaan, what happened to the man I fell in love with? The man who told me he was the one I needed? The man who was ready to learn Islam and stop smoking and swearing...the man who was such a gentleman...he doesn't exist anymore right?" I couldn't eat anymore. I couldn't even finish one slice.

"He's still here. Right in front of you with his arms open. I was ready for anything for you and I still am. For you only do I become gentle and give up my bad habits. That kiss meant something to me and just forget about Elizabeth for one moment. Pretend she doesn't exist anymore and just look at me...I'm all yours." He said making my heart skip a beat.

I got up to leave the dining room when he grabbed my arm and yanked me around making my body collide on his. We've never been this close. I could hear his breathings and his heartbeat as well. I was lost in those green mesmerizing eyes.

"Look at me...I know my actions don't speak for themselves but my eyes do speak. They speak to you only. What do they tell you?" He's so fierce and demanding...why do I find it attractive?

He's a dangerous man. Full of scars, a bad temper, jealousy and attractiveness. It's the same eyes that looked at me years ago. Those same eyes that look at me and at me only this way. A gentle fire burning in those eyes.

Our mouths approached each other closer and closer. Another move and we will kiss...again. What am I doing? I should push him away.

I hate to admit it but...I kind of want to kiss him. Don't do it Isha. I don't want to but it's just that...he's so close...and it's so...tempting.

"Kiss me. Just take me over with your mouth already." It's like he was begging me.

Our nose touched and I was going to take a step back when he pulled my head closer and pressed his lips on mine. This time he entered his tongue inside me and I let him. I do hate him but this felt so freaking good. He was so harsh and yet so gentle. I wasn't so good at it but he had it all under control as he had grabbed my face and he'd make me follow his lead. He took steps forward to me as I took steps back before my back reached the dining table. He pushed the box of pizza away and grabbed me before placing me on the edge of the table placing himself between my legs. He wasn't letting his mouth detach from mine.

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