The Calm Before The Storm

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Isha's POV.

School is my happy place. I know, weird. But, I can explain why. Nothing in life makes me happier than getting the highest grade in my class out of everyone.

The joy I get at those times is everything to me.

My mother was never proud of me. She thinks I'm plain, not fun, selfish and she complains about me spending too much time in my room.

I have always tried to change my ways, always tried to make her proud of me but she just never did. My father simply doesn't care. About anything. He's here, he sees everything. He sees how uncomfortable I feel when my mom calls me out in front of my siblings. He sees my tears, my anxiousness yet he doesn't do anything. But, he knows.

I always wondered what made him marry my mother. They had an arrange mariage and she was against it on the day of the nikah. However, her father was heartless and he forced her. Or else he would not consider her as his daughter for the rest of her life.

That's why, some times I hesitate. Should I be mad and upset at her or should rethink my emotions because I know what she went through?

I don't know. Whenever it happens, I just want to disappear. Completely vanish until both of my parents realize, they've lost me.

I am a brown desi girl going through the difficulties of many other first and second generation daughters. It breaks my heart. All the trauma and pain we go through yet no one realizes.

Even when we try to talk about it, no one seems to understand or even care.

So, school is like an escape for me. I get to fully be myself, make myself proud, make others proud of me and enjoy my time. I am grateful for school. Alhamdullilah.

After having a cup of sweet coffee with a butter croissant, I put my shoes on and make my way out of the house after grabbing my backpack.

My whole family is still sleeping at this time. Their day starts at approximately 9pm, mine is rather at 6am. I'm always the first to leave the house. I get to see the sun shine and wake up first in the morning and I love the sight. I always try to take the little things and add sweetness to my life. Because reality can be too painful to handle.

Arriving at school, I made my way to my locker where my best friend Ezra was waiting for me. As soon as she saw me, she jumped in my arms and hugged me tightly. Physical touch is her thing. For me, it depends. Some times I am really in need of a hug and some other times I'd rather not get close to anyone at all.

"Guess what day is today?!" she asked showing off her excitement.

"payday and we're getting our grades for the project" I said. How can I forget? Mondays are the best days of the week.

"Yes!! And, we are starting the day with English. What a beautiful day isn't it ?" she asked me.

"Alhamdullilah, it is" I confirmed.

Ezra is like a ray of sunshine in my life. I've lost many friends in the past. I thought that the more friends I had, the better. But, I was wrong. Having a small circle is the best. And, at the end of the day people that are meant to stay—stay.

We grabbed our stuff from our lockers before making our way to class. Ezra and I have all of our classes together which is so great.

We arrived on time and took our seats a minute before the school bell rang as the teacher closed the door to begin the class.

"Good morning class, today as I mentioned last class I am giving away the grades and we are also going to start the new project. All good?" the teacher began with giving the grades.

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