Make It Right

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Isha's POV.

The audacity of him to come back. I don't care that my parents forgave him. I don't care that he feels sorry. I don't care about his feelings at all. He didn't think twice before hurting me so why should I care?

"Hey strong head" Justin comes in my office without knocking.

"How many times do I have to tell you to knock before coming in?" I asked him. I've got a headache and I can't seem to get any work done when there's someone else invading my mind space.

"Okay, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today" not funny because my morning was ruined. Well, not really morning. More like afternoon.

"What's the matter with you Ishu?" why is he calling me by my nickname randomly?

"I'm fine. Just fine." That's a lie.

"You've been saying that for a month." What am I supposed to say? I'm heartbroken and bruised?

"Justin if you have nothing better to do than annoy me leave. I beg you."

"I want you to meet someone, after work with me" he finally says.

"Who?" I'm curious.

"A girl." No way.

"You're in love?" I asked.

"Well, I'm taking things slowly but um...I met her this night and we had a moment...and...I just...I think I like her and I'd want you to meet her." Sounds good.

"Why do I have to meet her though?" I asked not getting the point.

"You're my friend and business partner. Your opinion matters to me." I rolled my eyes.

"You need me to tell you if she's right for you? You can't do that yourself? As a grown man?" I asked.

"No I can't. Every girl I meet just...seems to be into me for the money you know...all I want is true love. What better way to find that out than to have my bestie ishu with me?" I chuckled. Bestie Ishu? Really?

"Alright. I'll be there. Leave my office now before I throw my heel at you." He left my office immediately.

I let out a sigh. Will I ever fall in love again?

I stopped believing after getting stabbed in the heart. When I woke up and saw heart stopped. I thought I was still dreaming. He was really there. I couldn't believe it. Honestly, I had stop hoping he'd ever even show up. And, I—

There's a knock on my door. I signed the person to come in.

"Ma'am, this is for you" a bouquet of roses.

"Oh, thank you. Leave it on this chair." She placed the bouquet on the office chair in front of my desk.

As soon as she left, I got up and made my way to the bouquet looking for any kind of notes. I found one.

30 roses for the 30 days I wasn't able to say sorry and I love you. I need you Peach. Yours only.

My heart sank. Ya Allah, this is hard. He counted the days?

I want to throw away these flowers but I can't bring myself to do it. It's only words on paper Isha! Yet, I'm touched. Yet, my heart skipped a beat. Ugh! I'm hating this!


"Nice to meet you, I'm Rosie" Red hair, light brown eyes, tanned skin. Dresses very elegantly. Looks a bit old if you ask me. Great manners and respectful.

"Hi, I'm Isha" I shook hands with her before taking a seat across her.

"Justin told me a lot about you" she says.

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