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Isha's POV.

I woke up the next morning and this time, he wasn't beside me holding me. I tried. I tried so hard. He's not ready to forgive my dad and I know that. His eyes tell me enough. I see hatred, pain and resentment.

As much as I want to comfort him and understand him...I can't do it. My gut is telling me that he is wrong. I don't know how he find out. However he did, I should get to know about it. There must have been a misunderstanding.

I tried getting up on my two feet and thank god, I was able to manage and walk even though it's a bit painful. I refuse to keep sitting all day in this house.

I walked out of the room and made my way to the living room. He was busy on his laptop.

"Hi" I said as he turned his head towards me. He immediately got up and came running to me.

"Are you okay? You can walk without feeling pain?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked as I nodded.

"Come and sit on the couch—I'll take off your bandages and see if it's healed" he said as I agreed.

He unwrapped the bandages from my feet and took a look at it.

"Your cuts are healed. But, I think you shouldn't put to much pressure on your feet for a while just in case it reopens again." He said.

"How are you so good at this?" I asked.

"At what?"

"You knew exactly what to do when I got hurt and even now you know, how come?" I asked.

"Just got used to it. I don't have people caring for me when I'm hurt. I don't have time to go to the hospital and stay there for a week. I always take care and heal myself." He explained. I wish I could tell him that I was willing to be there for him and that I do care for him.

I hate him. I really do but after seeing that diary of his...I'm not sure what is right and what is wrong. I'm not sure about myself anymore.

"Can I go out today?" I asked him hoping he'd let me because I really need some air.

"No...not yet but someone's coming to see you" I'm curious now.

"Who is it?" I asked as he got up.

"She'll be there in not so long. I'll bring you breakfast meanwhile." He said making his way to the kitchen.

Who could it possibly be? It can't be my family since he's not willing to let me see them.

The doorbell suddenly rang as I got alerted. Already?

I got up and made my way to the front door. I pressed a button as the door opened itself and there she was. My best friend was here. We jumped into each other's arms.

"Thank god! I thought you were hurt! I thought about so many things! You just disappeared all of a sudden!!" she was on the verge of tears.

I wanted to cry but I couldn't let her see that I have not been in my best state in the past days. I don't want her to worry.

I pulled her inside as the door closed by itself. We walked to the dining room together and sat beside each other.

"Breakfast is ready. Ezra, you're here. Did you do what I told you to before coming here?" Ishaan joined holding plates in his hands.

"Yeah I did" I looked at her confused as he sat across us.

"He told me to turn my location off and not tell anyone that I was coming to see you" she said. I see. Not surprising.

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