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Ishaan's POV.

Fuck my life. Every time things get better—I ruin it. I always have to ruin shit.

We were good. It was finally getting better. She let me touch her and wanted more but I restrained myself because I knew once we'd get past this...I would never be able to let her go. And, I don't think she has accepted that I want her by my side forever yet. I mean she said it loud and clear that she would leave me if she gets proof that her dad killed my parents. I'm sick and tired of having to tell her to not go near that damn Justin guy.

What does she even sees in that guy? Why go to him out of everyone on the planet? It just doesn't sit right with me. And, I don't blame her—I'm aware that she's looking for the truth and he's helping her out. I didn't want to show her the proof because I was afraid of something. Something that I don't want her to hate me for. I know her, she'll hate her dad for what he did and then she'll hate me for telling her. As much as I have hatred, I would never destroy somebody else's relationship. Specially when it's my wife's. I might be an asshole but she just...she makes me...she just pushes me to change for the better. She makes me want to be the best version of myself.

I'd do anything for her. I mean that and that's why I'm scared.

That's why, I'm going to show her the proof. She'll stop meeting that white boy and she'll understand that I'm right.

"Isha?" I knocked on her bedroom door but she wasn't responding. She ran off as soon as I snapped at her. I know I was harsh. And, I actually feel bad right now. Like I want to punch myself for being rude to her. She made me diner and dessert. Kill me already, I don't deserve her.

"Isha?" I knocked once again but no response. I opened the door and she wasn't here. Don't tell me she ran away. I don't want to deal with that right now. I can't sleep at night without her by my side.

I went down stairs and looked in the kitchen, living room and dining—where the hell is she?

Although I kept thinking where she could possibly run out to, I still went outside just to make sure her car was still there. She's not allowed to go home and I know she won't go there.

I found her sitting on the edge of the pool with half of her legs dangling in the water.

"Isha" I joined her.

"Don't talk to me if you're gonna yell. I don't want to hear it." I deserve this. I sat beside her as she looked away not wanting to face me.

"Look at me" I ordered.

"Or what?"

"Please...just look at me" I begged as she did.

"You made me food?" She's so cute when she's mad.

"No. I made it for myself." Lies. She was clearly waiting for me to come home and eat with her.

"I'm sorry." She kept silence.

"You made me diner and thought about me and I just snapped at you. I'm sorry." I said.

"Justin is a good guy and he respects you. Why can't you just accept him?" she asked. My jaw clenched when she mentioned him.

"Because he's a man." It's as simple as that.

"Stop saying that. You just don't trust me." That's not true. I don't trust myself. I'll see him around her and I'll break his neck and then commit a crime. Which is nothing new but it would be considered severe since it's someone that matters to her.

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