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Isha's POV.

How do I tell my family about this? I know I shouldn't jump too soon into this. But, I'm not trying to hide anything from them. The first appropriate step would be to ask them about the secret I don't know about. The one Ishaan keeps mentioning.

How does he remember me so well but I have no clue how? Something isn't making sense. I don't know how big the secret is but I am aware and I'd like to know.

I went into Maryam's room and knocked before getting in.


"Oh hey, did you need something?" She asked me taking off her glasses. She looked busy with her studies.

"No. Not at all. I just...wanted to ask you something." Ishaan did say that my parents were hiding something. He didn't mention the whole family but...maybe she knows. She's the first daughter. I'm sure she knows more about so many things than I do.

"I met a guy..." I told her everything. From the moment he appeared in my life to how I feel about him now. I also told her about the so-called secret.

She didn't look surprised. She wasn't smiling either. She just had a blank expression while listening to me.

"I think I like him more than I thought..." I was waiting for her to say something.

"He's not good for you. I think this is just a fantasy that you've created about him in your head and you need to let it go. I mean come on, it's high school. No relationship is serious." I wasn't expecting that. I was a bit offended. How can she be so sure?

"I...never felt this way about anyone and—"

"It happens to everyone. It's nothing serious Isha."

"Why do you sound so...unhappy about this? Is there something I need to you...know him?" I finally asked.

"I remember him from our old neighbourhood yeah, he's not a good person. His family was messed up and so was he. Good thing the accident which was because of him led you to forget about him. He knows damn well we don't want him near you. I can't believe he showed up in your life again. Ammi and Abbu are going to be furious about this." I'm even more confused now.

What accident? What neighbourhood? What actually happened?

"I guess you won't tell me the details right?" I asked judging by her facial expressions.

"Knowing the whole truth will hurt you...and it's better if it stays in the past. Some things are better left unsaid." I'm speechless.

"I'm supposed to just go back into my room and pretend like nothing happened after what you just told me. I don't care if I'll get hurt. Whatever you just said...I want to know the full truth." with that being said I walked out of her room and made my way downstairs to our parents that were in the dining room having chai.

"I need answers" I got to the point.

"Will you speak more gently with us?" Ammi snapped at me.

"I'm sorry. Ammi, Abbu I really need to know what happened to me in the past. Did I have an accident? Did I lose my memory or something? Who is Ishaan?" I asked away not wasting any time.

Maryam joined as my parents looked at her. I could now tell that they knew exactly what I was talking about. The three of them know.

"I can explain everything to you but—"

"No! She doesn't need to know! I...I'll tell her when she's 18. I'll tell her myself." Why was ammi panicking all of a sudden?

For the first time since forever, I felt like she was actually concerned about me.

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