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Isha's POV.

I woke up after what felt like a lifetime. I couldn't recognize where I was. The lights above me shun through my eyes. My body felt extremely weak and I couldn't feel like half of it. My head was pounding and I was in pain.

Everything was slowly coming back to me, I was kidnapped, beaten up and then I completely blacked out. I panicked and I could only think of one person.

"Ishaan?! Ishaan?! Ishaan?! Help! Help!" I screamed.

"Isha!" The door opened and there he was. My man.

He ran to me as we both hugged each other with such a strength I never believed a human being could possibly have.

"Ishaan—I was kidnapped" I sobbed.

"I know baby, I know. It's over now. You're safe now." He was rubbing my back and it calmed me down.

I pulled back and took a look at his face. We hadn't been this close for days and days. It felt good. I felt safe in his arms. Actually, I could only think of him as I was confined in that old house.

"I was so scared..." I see guilt in eyes like I've never seen it before.

"I know you were...but you're alright now. And, I'm right here with you." He kisses my forehead and I hug him back. We stay like this holding each other for a good five minutes.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I pulled back moving the covers away and got up quickly only to land on my butt.

What is...what is...happening to me?

" legs...why can't I feel them?" I asked him panic rising in me once again.

"I...I can't feel them...why can't I feel my legs?!" realization hit me. Oh my Allah...there is no way that I...

Ishaan picked me up in his arms and laid me back on the bed before taking a seat beside me on the edge.

"listen to weren't just kidnapped. you were drugged and beaten up. when I found were unconscious." no...I don't want to hear the rest of the life is ruined. She ruined my life.

"The drug did this to you'll be good. I know you—you've never given life and in our relationship. You're strong and I know you can overcome this." a tear escaped my eye following by a couple more. I couldn't control it. No matter how strong I can be...this is crushing my soul.

"You can hate me for this. you can blame me and kick me out of your life as many times as you want...but know that I will come back. I will keep on coming back to you because...I love you so much and I have no idea what to do without you..." he looked so vulnerable.

What have our lives turned to...? Only yesterday, we were innocent kids. We had no clue of the world. Only yesterday...was I still little Ishu working hard to get good grades. Making memories with Ezra and enjoying my bittersweet life. I was supposed to forgive this man beside me with his head tilted down with no hope left in his eyes and no strength visible in his body. We were supposed to make love and have a family together. not how my life was supposed to end.

I have only heard of tales of love stories ending well in the end as a kid and I always knew it was a lie. And, if you dig deeper you find out that Belle, Cinderella, Snow-white were never actually happy in the end. That's the sad reality. Although, people like me often realize soon enough that life isn't all fairytales and princes...I am a girl. Wanting to be loved the right way and have her happy ending.

I turned on my other side pulling the covers over me. If I was granted any wish right now, I would simply want to disappear and to just for a moment...stop feeling anything. Because this is too much for my poor heart.

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