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Isha's POV.

"Everyday you surprise me" Ezra and I were at the library. She hasn't stopped mentioning the food fight since it happened last week.

She calls me a badass for having done what I did. What she doesn't know is that Ishaan is still after me and that I yet have to ask my parents about "the things" they aren't telling me because he mentioned it and I really want to know what happened to me in the past for me to have ever been friends with a guy like him. Although, it might be all a lie he created just to get my attention.

"But, you know what? You did good. I threw food at all the people I hate and I feel amazing now" She said. I guess that's the only good thing about it.

"no I did really really bad Ezra. I added responsibilities I didn't need on me, this was supposed to make that freaking psycho freak run away from me but instead we are stuck together till the end of the year and the janitor probably hates my existence now" it's nothing but the truth.

"Psycho freak. Perfect nickname for him." She said.

"But you know what? I don't regret it at all. Because...smashing his face with Justin's pie will forever make me proud. He deserved it." I said.

"Now you're talking!" she's my number one fan.

"We're here. Have a nice trip." Miran dropped us at school.

"I'm going now" I said goodbye to Ezra before putting my headphones on and making my way to the janitors room to grab the cleaning tools I needed to clean the classrooms. I can't believe I have to do this everyday. It doesn't take much long. But, I'd rather have a good nap than clean.

I had all the things I needed and now I was just waiting for him to arrive. I'm not doing this alone. We need to separate the tasks and get it done as quickly as possible. Ten minutes past and then another ten minutes past. I sighed. Well, looks like he's not showing up.

Dear lord, give me patience.

I grabbed the cleaning tools and made my way to the classrooms the janitor assigned Ishaan and I to clean except I have to do it alone. If he shows up in front of me tomorrow, I might become a criminal.

It took me an hour and a half to finish cleaning the classrooms and then I left the school to work. After my part time job, I took the bus home. I was exhausted at this point.

"Food is in the kitchen" ammi said but I declined. I always make sure to eat but I am mad and tired. All I want is to take a shower, pray and sleep.

"It took me so much time to cook and you won't even have a taste of it? Seriously, what kind of daughter have I raised? You come home late. You won't eat the food I make. You're always busy working or studying. You don't spend time with your sisters. You're here but you're never here. And, I am tired of this. One day you'll just get married and leave me all alone right? Of course you will. You don't even like your family." It was really the wrong time to have her lecture me.

"Ammi I'm...really tired." I said it even if I knew what the next thing she would say would exactly be.

"And, you think I'm not tired? You think your dad's not tired? You think your big sister's not tired? We're all tired. I'm ashamed I raised you to be this way." It hurts. A lot. I love her more than anything but I never felt like she felt the same way.

"Ammi, what is the matter?" Maryam came in the kitchen.

"Nothing! Your sister just hates my cooking—she'd rather eat out with friends. Why don't you just see Ezra? I'm sure her mom cooked something you like" every word was like a punch to my stomach.

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