Food Disaster

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Isha's POV.

"That's harassment Justin. She can't force herself on you. Tell your mother about it. Isn't she a lawyer?" Ezra and Justin have been talking for the past thirty minutes.

"Not to forget about the invasion of privacy. Talk to your mother about this." I agree with Ezra on this one.

Ezra and I were aware about Justin's ex. However, we didn't know that she was literally stalking him and forcing him to get back together with him.

" know..." oh my Allah. I rolled my eyes. I could read him really well.

"Do you her Justin?" I asked him.

He looked at me like I just spilled the truth.

"I don't. I really don't. But, she was there for me when I needed someone and I don't want to ruin her life. You guys know my mom...she'll go all the way with this and I'll win this case and then I'll feel bad for the rest of my life for having ruined someone else's life." He explained.

"She is the one ruining your life right now. Look, you don't have to tell your mom about this. You don't have to take this to another level but make yourself clear to her. I saw the messages's like you're telling her how you feel and then you're also letting her in a bit. She might be thinking you're still into her." I said hoping he'd understand me.

"How can you be a total nerd in school but when it comes to offence but you suck." Ezra commented.

"Well, she's the first girl I ever dated okay? Don't blame me. Anyway, thank you Isha. I needed to hear what you just told me." His blue eyes connected with mine as I gave him a smile.

Good to know he's not just good at placing bets on with me.

"Hey! What about me?" Ezra asked as I laughed.

"You diss me." Justin replied.

"Amazing. Brilliant. Great. So, I'm shit. But, you don't mind being friends with a nerd that has no style? How is that fair to me?" Dear lord.

I sighed as Ishaan showed up out of no where. The whole cafeteria was looking at us. He really doesn't get anything I say. Must be why he had the audacity to show up here again.

I'm on the verge of breaking. I will explode and this will not end good.

"What in the hell do you want from me?" I asked.

"You. I want you to give us a chance to be more than whatever we are right now" psycho freak.

This is embarrassing. Everyone just heard that. Everyone knows he wants me now. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Is it even a thing to say to someone? I want you? What am I? An object or a thing?

I got up and walked to him as I stopped right in front of him. Now we were facing each other.

"Are you sure you want me? Because I am a real mess." I warned him.

"All I want is you. Give me a chance." It's almost as if he was begging me.

"Sure." I grabbed Justin's lemon pie that had a good load of whip cream on top and smashed it in his face.

"That's for being a jerk" I said.

A few seconds later, he wiped a bit of of the whip cream away from his face with his hand and looked at me. That was the eyes of the devil.

"You're done" he said before grabbing Justin's lunch.

I backed off but that didn't stop him as he threw the container of spaghetti and it landed perfectly on my face. Why did I do that? I'm crazy. He made me crazy!

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