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Isha's POV.

Justin told me everything about his business and his plan. The deal that he was offering me was beyond great. A good pay, work can be done from work and home. I was beyond grateful for this opportunity. After signing the contract, I left his office and drove back home.

On my way, I stopped at Starbucks. I got flashbacks of when I would come here with my sisters after a long shopping day. We would always get the same drinks with the same chocolate cake pops. I miss those moments. I just feel like going home and hugging my whole family but I can't. I would break Ishaan's trust and things would go downhill from there.

I grabbed a drink for myself, Ishaan and Elizabeth. I was a bit worried when she showed up and especially when she had a breakdown. But, I trust Ishaan. I trust his love for me. And, I might not understand her but she's in pain and she is going through something I don't know of. I choose to respect that and who knows—maybe we'll get along some day.

Things don't always have to be bad even if it seems like they will be.

Arriving home, I parked my car and then grabbed the tray of drinks before heading towards the entrance. I entered the home and I was already hearing them speak. I stopped in my tracks to listen. I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping but I can't help it.

"You don't love me? Not at all? Not even just a little bit? What about when you'd caught me off guard and kiss me? What about when you were going through it and I was there for you? You forgot about that? We have so much history together..." my heart dropped once again when she mentioned the kiss. He...does that to me as well. God, this isn't easy at all. Breathe Isha, breathe.

"Hi," I stepped into the living room.

"Isha, you're back early" Ishaan who was sitting across Elizabeth came to me.

"Here, for the both of you" I grabbed my drink and gave him the tray.

"Thank you peach" he placed a kiss on my cheek.

He was about to give Elizabeth her drink when I stopped him.

"Wait, let me" I grabbed the drink and walked towards her before offering it to her.

She got up and took a careful look at the drink. Is she allergic to something or...?

"How nice of you..." I couldn't tell if she meant it. But, I knew she didn't with the action that followed. She opened the lid and threw the drink in my face.

Great. Just great.

"What the fuck?!" Ishaan rushed to me.

She sat back down on the couch with her arms crossed smirking.

"It's fine. I'm fine. I'll go change." Not feeling like having my own drink now, I left it on the living room table and made my way upstairs to change.

One thing is certain. She's got issues.

Getting into my room, I took off my hijab and clothes before hoping in the shower to clean up. Right after, I performed my salah and then grabbed my computer before getting in bed. I'm not going back downstairs when there's a woman who full on hates me to death. I wanna call Ezra and vent but she's probably in school right now.

I began rewatching vampire diaries and soon dozed off.


"Peach?" I heard a knock on my door but I ignored it. I want to sleep more.

"Peach? Are you sleeping?" I knew who it was. He sat on the side of my bed.

I kept my eyes closed.

"What is it?" I asked.

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