"Okay listen ma something happened after the show, Ryder and I had way too much to drink, and we ended up back at my room at the hotel. Well, we hooked up that night."

I watched my mother studying both Ryder and I and I see Ryder shift nervously next to me. I can't blame her though because my mother can be a wild card and I can't even predict how she will react. 


"The thing is when we hooked up, I didn't use protection. Ryder wasn't on birth control. So needless to say, Ryder is pregnant, were having a baby. We just came back from the ultrasound, it's a boy. You're having a grandson.

My mother sat staring at us for a moment before she spoke.

"I thought you understood Joesph that I raised you to not have any premarital sex. How long have you known about this Joesph?"

"A little over a week"

"What are you two planning now that you have a child on the way?"

"Were obviously going to raise this baby together. I asked her earlier to move into my house and out the dorm."

"So let me get this straight, you two had premarital sex, she gets pregnant and now you plan on just living together. "

"Listen ma you are taking it worse than it real is. We Arnt just going to live together and be roommates or whatever you think is going to happen. Ryder and I like each other, and not in the way we used to. We are together....like dating. We both put the cards on the table and admitted that we have always had feeling for each other. We want to be together and raise the baby together. I just hope you guys will be happy for us."

"Ryder you have been like another child to us, why didn't you come to us when you found out."

"Honestly I was scared, I didn't tell Joey and I didn't know what to do. I knew if I told any of you Joey would find out. I didn't mean for this to happen, but it did."

"Ryder dear what does your father say about this?"

"He doesn't know. Only people who know are Remi and my roommate."

" Ryder, he needs to know just like we needed to know."

"I know I just don't know how to tell him."

"Joesph how do you even plan on doing this with the band and all that traveling and demands of it. It's not fair to Ryder to leave raising this baby all on her?"

"I wouldn't do that ma; you know me better than that. We have no obligations for the foreseeable future, were on break. Even when we come off break its going to be studio time to work on the next album. Wherever that happens to be her, and the baby are coming with me. My management and publicist will handle anything in terms of media or anything."

" I know That sounds like the answer to you Joesph, but it's going to be so much harder than you seem to think it is. Both of you are so young to be having babies."

"You and dad were younger than we are, and you did it."

"That was a different time back then, yes I was married to your father and had two babies by your age, but what you don't seem to understand is that what you are doing, your career and everything is something so different than your father. He was a bricklayer not traveling the world preforming in front of thousands of people. I wasn't in college Ryder is. Ryder what are even going to do about school?" 

"I am going to finish school; I have no intention of dropping out. I am going to take a semester off to have the baby and when I go back to school, I will only be a semester behind of my original graduation date."

"What is your plan for the baby well you're in class all day because we all know that the likelihood of Joesph being home to be with the baby is slim."

"The school has a daycare."

"Listen ma were not dumb kids anymore we will figure it out."

"Well  all I can tell you two is, it's going to be really hard. Joesph you are really going to have to dedicate yourself to this even more than you have dedicated yourself to all this you are doing. Your father and I will do our best to help yall but I will say I wish you two were more careful."

"We didn't plan on this to happen, but I don't regret it did ma."

"Ryder dear when is this baby due?"

"Week before Joey's birthday, Christmas eve to be exact."

"Wow, Ryder I will say you and Joesph need to talk to your father to he needs to know."

"I know..."

"Ok now that that is address if you excuse me well I go and start lunch, do you two want to stay for lunch?"

"No thanks ma , I am going to take Ryder to lunch, I have something to talk to her about."

I just seen her look at me quizitivly and I couldn't help but laugh. I hugged my parents, and we headed out. The minute she shut the car door she turned to me,

"Taking me to lunch huh, that's news to me."

"Yes, taking you to lunch, I need to talk to you and by the look on your face in there I figured you may have wanted an out."

"I'm not going to say it was a comfortable conversation, but I knew it wasn't going to be. I did it for you Joey, because you wanted your parents to know."

"It wasn't that bad, give my mom a chance to come around. Once the initial shock wears off you are going to see she is going to be excited, it's her first grandchild how could she not."


I felt him reach over and pull me into him, his lips pressed against mine softly before he pulls back and looks at me with the ocean blue eyes and whispers "it's just you and me baby".  

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