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Eve Agency

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Eve Agency

I was informed after the event at Jamal's home that David and his soon to be wife were looking for a new agent. It's only right for me to call to action to complete his wishes or his wife wishes, per se.

It's been a long six years of being his agent. If he finds better then good for him. He has all right to go on and find what suits him and his family.

I fell in love with this man, he did all that begging and pleading...but just like Vence he picked someone else, over me.

Someone lighter, even though Maria isn't white. Someone more submissive...

"Ms. Fisher your eleven am is here," Mario said opening my door, letting David in.

"Awesome thanks, Mario. Can you please get me a chai tea?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Can I get a..."

"No," Mario said to David and closed the door.

"Please, Mr. Brown do have a seat."

"I heard they let Jodie out?" He asked.

"It is my understanding that you are wanting out of your contract? Seeing how Violet was approached by your soon to be wife, letting my agent know that you are shopping around."

"Robyn, now you k..."

"I know, Mr. David it has been a long six year's and we have had a good run. So, I have taken the propper measures to ensure that all your deals stays in place until their original contracts are up."

"You don't even have to pay me to get out of your contract, I am dismissing it today. All you have to do is sign here."

I pushed the paper across my glass desk to him.

"Robyn. I never said that shit."

I just looked at him.

"I didn't say that shit, Maria said she was wrong and was pissed at something with me and was trying to piss me off."

"Okay, what I will not do is for anyone to come in between my business. Never."

"And that is why you are alone Robyn. You don't let people in to do shit.  I'm not signing a fucking thing. I have practice..."

"David sign the papers?"

"Fucking no, I talked to Maria about this shit. No," he said and stormed out of my office.

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