9 • Tired

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I was hiding in my bathroom from Jake because he had been beating me for the last twenty-four hours. My parents are coming into town today with my little sister. Tommie is a sweet kid, she loves her big sister.

I can't let her see me like this.

"Come clean this fucking kitchen back up. With your fat ass, I didn't have this fucking dish. Nasty ass pig" she said pushing the door open.

"It was just one dish..."

"I don't give a fuck bitch if it were just a spoon. Come clean up my damn kitchen."

He moved in two weeks ago. I didn't ask him to, I came home from work one day and he was moving his things in.

I finished cleaning the kitchen. I have been up all night and had to make an excuse as to why my parents couldn't come over last night.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jake asked as I was getting in the bed and four am.

"I have to work at eight, I need to get some sleep."


"I need to sleep."


He pointed and I looked down and he had pillows down, and a blanket.

"Since you want to act like a dog you'll be treated like one. Floor" he said, rolled over, and closed his eyes.

I laid down on the floor, and just tried to get some sleep.

Eve Agency

I am exhausted, so freaking exhausted.

"You have a visitor" Alex our floor receptionist stated.

"Who is it?"

"A girl named Kristina Carper?"

"Okay, you can send her end," I said.

"Your nose is bleeding."

"Thank you," I said hurrying to wipe my nose with the back of my hand.

Alex walked out, and I cleaned myself with some napkins I had on my desk.

"Hi," Kristina said knocking on the door.

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