"'I'll never stray, sweetheart," I reassure her. "Even if it meant giving up my career; the fame, money, and success. It's nothing without you."

Ripley's hand comes down on mine and gives it a squeeze. When I peek over at her, she's got a soft smile on her face.

"I just hope I don't have to be a bitch to anyone on this trip," she says seriously and I laugh. I can just imagine someone saying the wrong thing to set her off and her feisty little self setting them straight.

"I'll step in before you would have to," I assure her. "This trip is our time to relax and enjoy each other's company. I'll do everything I can to make sure you have a good time."

Ripley leans over and kisses me on the cheek, making me grin. We easily go back to talking about the things we want to see when we settle in.

I'm really glad that neither one of us has been to Vegas before. Experiencing a new place for the first time together is beyond exciting. And as I pull up onto the terminal and watch as Ripley's eyes nearly pop out of her head at the sight of our private jet, pride swells deep in my chest and belly. This is all I've ever wanted. To give her the life neither of us ever dreamed of makes me the happiest man alive.

"You can't be serious," she gasps as I park a little ways away from the plane, under an awning.

"As the plague, I'm afraid," I reply, my voice somber.

Her huge sapphire eyes turn to me and stare in wonder. I can see several different emotions glistening in their deeps and she gulps deeply to keep them down. I hop out of the van and run around to her side, pulling open the door.

"You ready for the best vacation ever?" I ask loudly with a cheeky grin plastered across my face.

Ripley snickers softly and nods, clasping my outstretched hand in her own. Airport staff approach the car as I help her down and they make quick work grabbing our luggage and carrying it onto the plane.

When we walk up to the aircraft, I help Ripley up the steep steps, my hands on her waist to ensure she doesn't fall. Her steps are shaky and I'm not sure if it is from the magnitude of our situation or from the staircase.

Smiling stewardesses greet us as we board the plane. They usher us about the cabin, giving a brief tour of the plush tan seats, the tables we can use to eat or play cards, and where the bathroom is located.

Once we are settled into our seats, the stewardess offers us snacks or beverages. I ask for a Yoohoo and some m&ms. Ripley gets a soda and some chips.

I settle back against the thick cushions of my chair and watch as Ripley wiggles in her seat with excitement. She's pulled up the window panel and is staring out onto the runway at all the other planes waiting to take off. I play absently with the rings on my fingers, watching her absorb it all.

"This is crazy," she breathes and I smile. "I feel like we don't belong here. This is too fancy for us."

I shake my head at that and give her a serious look.

"Nothing is too fancy for you, sweetheart. Not ever."

Ripley's expression softens and she looks like she is about to say something before the stewardess stops by one last time to ask we fasten our seatbelts since we are set to go. Ripley and I quickly comply as the plane starts to slowly make its way down the runway.

Ripley taps her foot anxiously against the floor board and she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. My eyebrows furrow at the concerned expression on her face.

"Ripley," I call and she turns to look over at me. Her face is slightly guarded and my stomach does a little uneasy flip. "What's wrong?"

She tries to brush me off, but I give her a stern look which makes her sigh.

Believe It Or Not (An Eddie Munson Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora