Here for the Sex

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Eddie's POV: 

It's been several weeks since graduation. Ripley and I have both been working pretty consistently and have been adjusting to our new routines. 

Ripley got the job at the local book store and has really been enjoying it. She comes home every night to tell me about something new she learned, a new author she found out about, or how well she is getting along with her coworkers. I'm so happy for her. 

Things with Noir Records have been going really well, too. Our album is finished and we are just finalizing the print quantity and it is supposed to hit shelves soon. We have been getting a much greater following since touring to other local bars. We even have had some interest in Indianapolis, with bars reaching out to us to schedule gigs. The guys and I are completely over the moon about it. I'm also happy I get to share this with Ripley. She can't come to every concert, but she tries to make it to most even if it means she will get barely any sleep between our gig and when she needs to go to work. She cheers from the crowd and just knowing she supports my dreams is enough to make me want to burst with happiness. 

Today is the first day both of us have had off together since graduation and it's because we finally get to find out if bean is a boy or girl. Ripley's little bump has started to grow and I find myself more and more in love with her as each day passes. Seeing her growing with my child is indescribable. All of our recent check ups for bean have been flawless and they are growing right on track. 

"Eds, are you ready?" Ripley calls from our bedroom doorway, pulling me from my thoughts. 

"Yes, sweets," I answer, getting up and heading out behind her. It's starting to get really warm out and Ripley is not looking forward to the rest of the summer, all ready hating the feeling of being pregnant in the heat. She's decided to wear a giant Mickey Mouse t-shirt, her shorts barely poking out from underneath. She's got flip flops on her feet and her hair is up in a bun. 

We decide to take her car and I hold the door open for her before jumping inside. I pull out of Forest Hills and head to the doctor's office, my excitement growing. 

"Do you want to take a bet on what gender bean is?" she asks, a smile on her face as we drive into town. 

"I think bean is a girl," I say matter-of-factly and Ripley's eyes widen. 

"Really? Why?" she asks, turning in her seat to face me more fully. 

"I don't know. I just have this feeling," I tell her and she snorts. 

"Well, I think bean is a boy," she says. 

"Oh, yea? And what is your brilliant reasoning behind that prediction?" I tease and she rolls her eyes at me. 

"Because I had a dream that bean is a boy," she says simply and for a moment we are quiet. 

"Seriously?" I ask, looking over at her skeptically and she nods. 

"Yea, I had a dream that bean came to me. I couldn't see their face, but they told me they were a boy." 

"That's weird," I tell her, scrunching up my nose. "Now if you're right, I'm going to worry that you're a witch or a psychic or something." 

"Be afraid," she cackles, playfully waving her fingers at me as though she is casting a spell. "Be very afraid, Munson." 

"We're here, you little weirdo," I chuckle, pulling into a spot outside the OBGYN and turning to smile at her. 

"Either way we are team healthy baby?" I ask, holding my hand out for a handshake, trying to call a truce. 

"Team healthy baby," Ripley nods, shaking my hand once before jumping out of the car. 

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