"Good morning, folks! Ready for school? Oh! Here you go, Boboiboy. It's the list of items and the location of the store where you could buy it." Agent Kalimtan explained while handing out a piece of paper to Boboiboy's hand, "Why don't we buy it instead? We can pick them up after class." Yaya said, "Yeah lah! It's not like it's that urgent, we still have some plenty of food in the fridge." Ying added, "And don't we have plenty of stuff prepared here already?" Gopal joined in, "Huh? Uhhh, well that's..." Kalimtan's eye shakes as he thinks of some excuse, "U-umm... it's a different kind of grocery." Boboiboy said, backing up the agent, "You'll know once I buy it."

"Hmmm... well, if you say so." Yaya wasn't convinced while Fang looks at his watch, "We should get going, we're going to be late." Fang said. "Huh? Already?!" Ying swiftly turns to Fang then to her watch, same goes with Gopal, "Hm? What are you talking ab—Hmpf!!" Gopal's mouth was covered by Fang's hand then drags him out with him, "We're going now!" Fang said, "Be careful in getting the items, Boboiboy!" Ying said before rushing to the door. "We'll get going then." Yaya waved goodbye to the two before she left.

"Phew! Thanks, Boboiboy. You ready?" Agent Kalimtan asked, "Hehe, you're welcome, Kalimtan!" Boboiboy beamed, "And yeah, I'm ready!" Boboiboy put up a thumbs up.

Located at XXX street
List of items
1. A phone, brand name: Nomu
2. A bag, brand name: Rakki
3. Spy glass

"I still feel a bit nervous though..." Boboiboy admitted, scratching his cheeks in a fiddle. "It's a bit different from the missions I go through."

"It's alright! I recognize the feeling very well but don't worry, me, you and Agent Katian will be backing you." Agent Kalimtan assured, "And besides, as long as we stick to the plan, nothing goes wrong!" the words of Kalimtan eased Boboiboy, "Hehe, thanks and I'll be there for you two!" Boboiboy replied.

And soon, noon and the three were on a train. Agent Kalimtan, Agent Katian and Boboiboy were on their way to go meet someone.

And no, it's not the Tomato.

The train soon comes to a stop and that's when the three hopped off and started walking to a restaurant where they'll meet the fourth member for this mission, "...I still think it's unrea—" "It's reasonable!" Kalimtan interjected and Katian had a tick for this guy, "Really?? Reasonable? All you have to do is shut your mouth! You don't have to go all the way to make up codes and aliases. We'll only have to do this once! ONCE!" Katian said, "But, but... I always wanted to say stuff in codes and besides, Boboiboy thinks it's awesome too! And like you said, we'll only do this once." Kalimtan replied, "Haiizz, there's really no need to do that..." Katian sighed, Kalimtan has been making up codes when it really isn't needed since in the end of the mission, we'll have to explain the others too. "Hehe, come on Katian. It's not that bad, he seems to be really into it too." Boboiboy said, "Into it or not, this mission isn't a game." Katian responded with a rather cold tone, "Erk, sorry." Boboiboy apologized, "...me too, sorry. Even though I knew how dangerous this mission is." Kalimtan apologized. Not wanting to seem like a bad guy, Katian said something that lifted their moods up, "Haa... once we enter the restaurant, you can order some food." in the beginning, it was planned that they'll only order some food or just a light soup and nothing else. With this, Katian's claims brought back the two's smiles again.

At the restaurant

Boboiboy, Kalimtan and Katian are eating the food to their liking while waiting the fourth person.

Boboiboy Crossover: Meeting the BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now